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Obama had a Democratic House majority, and a Senate super-majority. Joel Send a noteboard - 20/05/2012 06:22:44 PM
It doesn't even matter where he was born. The issue is the people of the United States. This is one of those circumstances where I think most people are idiots.

They expect the President, any President, to make huge changes. A President can rarely do that. Yes, over time, presidential power has increased, but it's still not nearly as strong as that of Congress. Yet people still vote for the presidency with the idea that their candidate will make changes that really require the Congress to enact.

Why do people forget the basic powers and functions of the elected branches of our government? Why? It sickens me and it saddens me and it angers me. It makes me sometimes seriously consider a test be required before anyone is allowed to vote.


His failure to lead is no more or less than that. Franklin Roosevelt, on whom Obama openly modeled his campaign, spent his transition feverishly working on progressive legislation enacted the moment he took office, producing a legendary First Hundred Days that set the standard for every new president since. Obama managed naught but a few industry bailouts, while his campaign centerpiece, healthcare reform, languished in neglect until six months after he took office, when the seemingly endless stream of industry bail/handouts had depleted all his campaign popularity.

Likewise failing to replicate the achievements of the other great liberal icon, LBJ, Obama authored no healthcare bill of his own and refused to participate in negotiations with recalcitrant Congressmen. He delegated the latter duty to Reid and Pelosi, then cut their legs from beneath them each time they made a stand against attempts to water down the bill. The closest he came to involvement was forbidding Reid to strip Liebermans committee assignments as punishment for campaigning for McCain, which would supposedly produce bipartisan cooperation, but instead told a single Independent Senator he had the power to singlehandedly scuttle healthcare reform (which, being from the insurance capital of America, he promptly did.)

Obamas First Hundred Days and first term are a pathetic joke compared to FDRs, a contrast the more stark because Senate cloture required a 2/3 rather than 60% majority in 1932. Obama had the power; he simply did not use it for anyone but insurance, auto and oil companies. I kept saying I would have voted for Romney had I wanted him; where does that leave me now...? :[
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
This message last edited by Joel on 20/05/2012 at 11:05:03 PM
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As per literary bio from 1991 - Obama "born in Kenya" - 17/05/2012 08:46:09 PM 706 Views
The person who wrote that in 1991, has stated that she made a mistake - 18/05/2012 01:23:03 AM 393 Views
Why do you keep harping this issue anyway? *NM* - 18/05/2012 01:23:22 AM 262 Views
I get the impression he was mocking it? *NM* - 18/05/2012 02:27:44 AM 164 Views
I wouldn't exactly say mocking, but rather entertained by the topic. Bottom line: - 18/05/2012 02:42:05 AM 369 Views
That's your bottom line? You may want to bring evidence for it then. - 18/05/2012 10:02:29 AM 363 Views
Let's think about this logically..... - 18/05/2012 03:04:32 PM 345 Views
Your "logic" is no adequate substitute for evidence, I'm afraid. - 18/05/2012 03:29:46 PM 374 Views
It is to me..... - 18/05/2012 04:49:18 PM 277 Views
I think it's ridiculous that it matters to you. - 18/05/2012 06:02:05 PM 334 Views
I know that, but once again.....Obama was supposed to be different. - 18/05/2012 07:14:24 PM 234 Views
and if one actually believed he'd magically be "different", you were a naive fool - 19/05/2012 11:26:14 PM 325 Views
Obamas greatest crime is convincing a generation of young Americans to question that... - 20/05/2012 06:56:37 PM 318 Views
Excellent post.....Go Joel Go! *NM* - 20/05/2012 10:02:53 PM 118 Views
*shrugs* It is what it is, as the kids say. - 20/05/2012 11:03:58 PM 384 Views
Roland, he's never even used the word 'Kenya' on the board before - 18/05/2012 02:55:40 AM 301 Views
Looking back, I don't think I ever posted about the birther issue. - 18/05/2012 03:04:39 AM 249 Views
actually...... - 18/05/2012 03:35:02 PM 256 Views
Thank you - 19/05/2012 12:52:45 AM 309 Views
Blah, blah, blah. - 18/05/2012 06:46:18 PM 345 Views
Obama had a Democratic House majority, and a Senate super-majority. - 20/05/2012 06:22:44 PM 366 Views
Joel hits the nail on the head, again..... - 20/05/2012 10:15:10 PM 250 Views

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