Active Users:187 Time:02/06/2024 11:22:13 AM
I know what "spouseS" and fake pics of Obamas mom in bondage gear for a porn magazine mean. Joel Send a noteboard - 03/10/2012 11:22:45 PM
Obama's mother had a thing for exotic spouses,

Look the word SPOUSE the fuck up, moron. It had nothing to do with sex or promiscuity, which I never implied about Stanley Ann and everything to do with a shallow fixation on race and white guilt, which she seems to share with the media and any number of politically correct people.

Back in the '50s a white college girl marrying a black foreigner then conceiving a bastard future US president during kinky sex with a DIFFERENT black socialist was the John Birch Societys literal wet dream (raising the question of who the REAL freaks are) but it remains disgusting for completely different reasons than they claim.

to elaborate? Trent Lott was not elected to Congress until well after the LBJ secured passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Strom Thurmond staged the longest one-man filibuster in history against the Civil Rights Act of 1957, so I honestly have no idea wtf you were talking about in that last sentence.
Since you cite the two acts, you know damn well what I am talking about.

"Despite voting for a Civil Rights act future Democratic heroes LBJ & Sam Ervin disparaged."

Despite WHOM voting for them? Not Thurmond, whose anti-civil rights filibusters are infamous (to everyone but Lott.) Not Lott, who did not even become a Congressional aide until 1968, long after both acts had passed. So wtf are you trying to excuse by saying he voted for a civil rights act? LBJ refused to support the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for the same reason he said, "I just lost the South for a generation," when he approved and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Here is Trent Lotts record from that era:,8599,399310,00.html

So which Republicans are you offering a free pass for embracing the Klan vote without which the party would have passed into irrelevancy 30 years ago?

The next five years of Clintons consensual sex with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky was just selling titillation.
Consensual, being apparently in the eye of the liberal, rather than Juanita Brodderick.

Not according to Juanita Broaddricks first sworn statement. So was her first statement perjury, or her second...?

You know the Catholic catechism better than I, but I know no Old or New Testament passage that affirms wife-swapping as holy.
Claims made (by a woman of suspect credibility when it comes to sexual indignation) in a confidential child custody dispute, as opposed to actual divorce procedings under oath, are a far cry from being guilty of wife-swapping. Ryan, IIRC, claimed that they didn't know what the clubs were (but it's easy for a foreigner to discern code words describing sex clubs in another country, right? ), and left when they realized it was more than either was comfortable with. Jeri's accusations might be dead-on-balls accurrate, but also sound a lot like the equivocal language I hear from domestic "victims" when they're trying to get the other party in legal trouble, a week before they're back together or pulling the same crap with different spouses.

Republicans like to pretend New York and New Orleans are not "real America," but Jack Ryan was not ACTUALLY a foreigner in either, and I am fairly confident most signs in both are in English. Certainly cages and whips should have tipped him off to what went on in the clubs, but trying to force his wife into public sex acts indicate he was already well aware. Evidently none of that matters because 1) his ex-wife is a whore just like Obamas mom and 2) being Republican places Ryan above reproach, or at least makes him automatically superior to even the best Democrat. Even a yellow dog is acceptable as long as he runs as a Republican, right? ;)

, on the other hand, made his most famous and widely known judgment in a hotly disputed child custody case, so the Bible DOES support the notion that people will lie and do counter-indicated things when it comes to custody of children. Like claim in a private hearing that their spouse once tried to get them to try S&M.

So a strangers seamiest accusations about a Democrats mother when she is dead and cannot defend herself should be taken on faith, but all accusations a Republicans wife makes in court should be dismissed as biased. I guess when a party starts a civil war to gain power on the pretext of "ending slavery," sells out the slaves to Jim Crow to keep power just a decade later, and embraces the Klan to regain power a century later, they are incapable of any standard but double standards.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Now this makes so much sen—no, the whole thing is still a study in cognitive dissonance and denial.
This message last edited by Joel on 03/10/2012 at 11:29:15 PM
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Barack Obama: The Luckiest Politician Alive - 30/09/2012 11:50:22 AM 813 Views
It isn't luck. - 30/09/2012 06:03:51 PM 396 Views
No, it is. - 01/10/2012 06:28:07 PM 471 Views
Out of curiosity... - 01/10/2012 08:58:01 PM 385 Views
You did not ask me, but check my first response to nossy. - 01/10/2012 09:17:11 PM 367 Views
Easy - 02/10/2012 12:13:42 AM 384 Views
I don't really see it, I have to say. - 02/10/2012 07:49:29 PM 366 Views
Could people please stop saying, "Jeb Bush." - 04/10/2012 12:41:53 AM 347 Views
Given your steadfast refusal to be corrected on basic issues of grammar, this is an amusing post. *NM* - 04/10/2012 03:04:46 AM 154 Views
Hush, I am busy watching the president get the snot kicked out of him. - 04/10/2012 03:25:10 AM 321 Views
That comma should have been a semicolon. - 04/10/2012 05:15:07 AM 338 Views
I was in a hurry. - 04/10/2012 03:05:39 PM 470 Views
I suppose you could claim that. Sounds like "reasons" to me. - 02/10/2012 04:04:55 PM 333 Views
"Mommy was a minority groupie" is another awesome piece of luck - 01/10/2012 03:55:22 PM 409 Views
Yeah, I saw Republicans are going after Obama with "your dead mother was a whore" now; classy. - 01/10/2012 09:00:30 PM 445 Views
Re: Yeah, I saw Republicans are going after Obama with "your dead mother was a whore" now; classy. - 03/10/2012 03:52:46 PM 456 Views
I know what "spouseS" and fake pics of Obamas mom in bondage gear for a porn magazine mean. - 03/10/2012 11:22:45 PM 559 Views
You might as well just say "Nigger Lover". Or is that reserved for Dark Cannoli'gar? *NM* - 02/10/2012 07:30:05 AM 271 Views
QED. Thanks for the example! - 03/10/2012 03:54:00 PM 325 Views
have the press as your biggest fans helps with that - 01/10/2012 06:04:29 PM 347 Views
You see the NYT and WSJ this weekend? - 01/10/2012 09:07:13 PM 449 Views
If it had been Bush they would run stories on it every day like they did with Gitmo - 03/10/2012 05:22:06 PM 325 Views
This story ain't over yet. - 04/10/2012 12:49:24 AM 442 Views

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