Active Users:197 Time:07/05/2024 03:37:32 PM
Agreed, though many (not all) the same factors apply to college, also. Joel Send a noteboard - 11/11/2012 03:20:35 PM
Like Dark Knight said, it's the freedom from real repsonsibility. Plus, you're so close to being an adult. You get to do all these near-adult things, but without the fear of real consequences. There's probably also the wonder of discovery of one's self--what do I really care about, what am I good at, what am I going to do with my life. That is the time when those big questions start to get answered. And people have such big, idealistic ideas about their future. Looking back, some people forget the details, but remember the general sense of it and miss that.

Now, all that's not completely true, of course. Some people never experience those things and others do it a bit later while in college. It's all individual. It's really a poor general statement, probably most often used by the people, that Tom mentioned, that peaked in high school.

But that's why they say it.

The main difference is that people are surrounded by far fewer people with whom they grew up but meet correspondingly more new, different and "interesting" people. And of course, many, perhaps most, people are away from home for the first extended period, which promotes homesickness, but also allows more opportunities for experimental adventures away from parental scrutiny.

For those who do not go to college though HS is often the first and last foray into adult privileges with little or no adult responsibility, as you and DK note. Most consequences are few, light and temporary, and people begin developing the skills and experience to realize a practically infinite panorama of potential, with plenty of time to regroup and redirect in the face of reversal and discovery. It is far easier to rebuild when the worst consequence of poor decisions/performance is summer school than when it means losing ones job and home, filing for bankruptcy and moving back in with parents increasingly dependents rather than providers. For many people it is the last time anything is possible and everything new, all within a safe familiar environment.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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You know how a lot of TV shows and films say that high school is the best time of your life... - 10/11/2012 12:48:48 AM 657 Views
I enjoyed high school. Wasn't the best time I had. *NM* - 10/11/2012 12:59:19 AM 298 Views
The sorts of people you know didn't peak in high school. - 10/11/2012 02:36:18 AM 414 Views
High school is by far not the best time of your life - 10/11/2012 04:14:36 AM 440 Views
When I reminisce, I think of childhood pre-high school or my college years. - 10/11/2012 04:24:42 AM 430 Views
It's the end of responsibility-free days that people miss *NM* - 10/11/2012 01:12:31 PM 159 Views
They must mean university, surely. - 10/11/2012 01:26:52 PM 414 Views
Agreed - 10/11/2012 02:53:28 PM 399 Views
Same here. - 10/11/2012 05:44:11 PM 375 Views
Why they say it. - 10/11/2012 04:30:47 PM 418 Views
Exactly - 10/11/2012 05:07:01 PM 379 Views
Agreed, though many (not all) the same factors apply to college, also. - 11/11/2012 03:20:35 PM 378 Views
I think it is just an old meme - 11/11/2012 03:43:48 PM 382 Views
Worse yet, my mother used to say that when I was still in high school. - 11/11/2012 09:55:19 PM 501 Views

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