Active Users:229 Time:19/05/2024 09:15:03 PM
List of things that annoy you - Edit 1

Before modification by kHz1000 at 17/11/2012 10:33:37 PM

Super straightforward. Just enumerate your worries. Big things, small things, anything goes. Might even be terapeutic.

Here's mine:

1. Terrible hangover
2. Things I did/said last night. Why am such an asshole to a person I love?
3. A positive result in an STD test
4. A Q-tip in my rectum (related to #3)
5. An exam in organizational behaviour on Monday
6. Military service begins in January. Actually, that's probably a relief. I wouldn't mind taking a break from my current life.
7. I can be slightly obsessive compulsive at times. Mostly I just bite my finger and toe nails (a bit disgusting). Sometimes I hold my breath. Gives you a nice headache after a while.

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