Active Users:202 Time:19/05/2024 01:24:41 PM
The gun law situation here in the U.S. is an outright joke. - Edit 1

Before modification by callandor1000 at 21/12/2012 01:18:01 PM

Despite our words, our actions dictate wanting an end to any semblance of peace, security, safety and health of our nation. Allowing people to carry concealed firearms is outright inviting firearm misuse. It has been clear the last decade that our country is slipping away from being able to call itself civilized but laws like these really hammer the reality home.

I personally am for strict gun laws. I think handguns should be banned from all but law enforcement and military. They serve as nothing but human slayers. Someone outside of those capacities simply doesn't need one. Protection? Get a shot gun or rifle. Those serve a dual purpose, you can hunt. But, I am also not so delusional as most Americans and I fully understand that I could perhaps be wrong. Though I can argue against handguns all day long. What I can not understand is how concealing a firearm is in anyway safe or ideal?

Let me take another scenario of a similar situation/issue. The acceptable practice (and laws essentially uphold this at this point) is that you can't do anything to physically stop shoplifters. You have to have without a doubt evidence to even convict them at this point and if you touch them or anything you're in general open to lawsuits and so on and so forth. So the acceptable practice is annoying the fuck out of potential shoplifters. Offer good service. Talk to them. And if you're positive but have no proof, essentially watch them and make it none. In short, do everything you can to DETER them from stealing. Don't sneak around and watch them then hope to catch them AFTER something happens. Keep it from happening.

My point in illustrating this is concealing the weapon does nothing but foster fear of one's fellow citizens instead of DETERRING violence. The only way it DETERS violence is in everyone fearing that everyone else has a firearm they can't see. That is/would be/will be a dangerous and frightening society to live in. If you were allowed to carry but did so openly it would be far more effective in DETERRING violence. I realize even in this argument there are conundrums that can negate the logic but there are conundrums in every side or argument associated with gun laws. For me, I personally would like to think that we as a nation and society have become civilized enough that we don't have to fear our fellow citizens, that at the end of the day we are intelligent enough (and we currently are far, far from it in this short bus riding nation) to see that concealing firearms only fosters fear in our fellow citizens.

P.S.- I left out things about our constitutional rights, so I'll address my thought on that. Concealing weapons a. isn't part of it b. handguns serve no purpose for it. If anyone truly thinks that having handguns and concealing handguns in this day and age (with the weapons and capabilities our military has) protects you against your own country then you're as delusional as someone thinking that if a squirrel fucks a salmon they'd make a baby turducken.

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