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It is always about how many permutations you can set up - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 08/07/2013 10:00:07 PM

View original postAlthough it does help my brain make some interesting (and often wrong it seems) connections. Part of the creative process my brain uses I guess.

View original postThanks for your response, but I do have another question:

View original postWhy is a base pair considered 2 bits of information, when the one bit of info already tells you what that second bit is going to be? If the first bit is C then the second one HAS to be a G, right? So one bit of information is all you need it seems to me to give you the data you need for that pair. What am I missing?

A basepair is treated as an individual item, like a magnet with two poles. You can stack them as you please though. Part of the problem is the use of G, A, C, T in common parlance, I think that might throw people when ultimately it's really GC, CG, AT, TA and might even be easier if they'd just called it G+, G-, A+, A-.

An easier way to picture this, I suppose, would be to picture a long single row of parking spots along the grass edge of a parking lot. All we track is car or pickup truck, so either a car is in a spot or a truck is, that's binary, but they can also pull in forward or backwards, hood or trunk, so to speak, and that makes it base 4. It doesn't matter which side you're counting from, because the dater will be a perfect mirror, you know a car hood doesn't have a flatbed on the other side.

Each vehicle is a digit, were it only 'car or truck' it would be a BInary digiT, or a Bit, were it car, truck, or motorcycle it would be a TRinary digiT, or a Trit. There's no nicknames after that I know of, since for 4 options you can comfortably use binary anyway and just treat it as two bits. It's not though, it is a single digit, capable of 4 states, same as a switch is a digit capable of 2. We could make it base five if we included 'empty space' as another state. We could make it base 7 if we included empty space and motorcycles. Essentially truck, anti-truck, car, anti-car, bike, anti-bike, and empty space. It's all about the number of unique and independent states a given digit (parking space) can have. Anytime its a power of 2 though we'd just end up using binary calculation methods, as Boolean Algebra and such is very efficient and flushed out.

To tangent a bit, no pun intended, our biggest problem with data storage is finding things where bits are possible, which is to say not just unique but independent, we can't use each A, G, T, C as a 2 bit on the helix because it isn't independent. If it didn't have to be GC or AT, but could be GT, AC, etc then we wouldn't have 2 bits but 4 per rung, because we'd have 16 unique and independent options. A lot of things in nature aren't independent like that and can't realistically be made so. The latter being more important, obviously a parking lot with 10 spaces, in our base 7 truck, car, motorcycle (plus parked backwards), and empty has many permutations, 282,475,248 in fact, but we know that each of those states isn't 'equally probable' to occur. There are more cars than bikes or trucks, and empty spaces should be fewer nearer the storefront. It isn't going to give us a random distribution especially since we could muckup that distribution by looking at a biker bar's parking lot or a DIY store where more pickups are likely to be at. DNA's handy because it's two basepairs are independent as are which direction they're rotated.

And hopefully that clarified rather than confused.

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