Active Users:189 Time:18/05/2024 05:28:01 AM
Wanting Thompson and Schwarenegger to stay out of office offends even the "vaguely right wing"? - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 20/08/2013 04:54:50 AM

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"Warning: This link is likely to be incredibly offensive to anyone who is even vaguely right-wing" comes to mind.

That wasn't funny, that was very fucking offensive not too mention childish, immature, and sounds like it was written by someone who's entire knowledge of the conservatism is based of Kool-aid soaked rants about us. It was also barely intelligible.

Or using environmentally friendly detergent? Or, well, pretty much all the stuff he opposed. All the provocative stuff is overtly and deliberately hyperbolit: It is meant as a (tongue in cheek) slippery slope argument; "This common mainstream right position leads inexorably to this this extreme universally despised one."

In other words, the whole basis of the comparison is NO ONE holds the second position, INCLUDING its author; in some cases (like the Schwarzenegger tweet) the apparent position is neither supported NOR OPPOSED by the statement as a whole. The point was not his feelings about Thompson or Schwarzenegger, but that arbitarily slicing and dicing statements into small chunks can invert their meaning and/or make innocuous comments look like incendiary racial slurs. If some indentify with or feel obliged to defend those comments anyway, that says more about them than him. You really think he meant to represent the GOP position as "Die, all of you"?

Again: And people say I should lighten up a little.

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