Active Users:176 Time:18/05/2024 06:26:59 AM
So mocking extreme right hatred IS hatred and obligates ALL conservatives to respond? - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 20/08/2013 12:38:17 PM

No one pointed any fingers at any conservative here, at least not until they decided to jump up and self-identify. Not my fault, nor problem. The whole point of his tweets was to illustrate Twitters brief arbitrary character splitting statements fosters statements so garbled 1) their meaning is completely inverted and/or 2) even the most innocuous comment can inadvertently become so offensive NO ONE shares it. The political aspect was just a means to that end. If people volunteer to associate with the universally and rightly reviled, that decision and its consequences are of their own making. It may not be a guilty conscience, but frankly sounds like one.

Look, we all agree (right...?) the Klan are violent right wing extremists, just like the Weathermen and Symbianese Liberation Army were violent LEFT wing extremists. Rightly condemning the violent extremists is not an indictment of the non-violent mainstream or even far right/left—unless they choose to defiantly shout, "I AM SPARTACUS111" and take offense at justified condemnation of violence no one (except, apparently, them) associates with them. Again, the gags whole point was the follow up tweets were so offensive NO ONE would associate with what Twitters choppy nature made Oswalts condemnation seem to advocate. It does not work unless the follow ups are so universally offensive they disgust EVERYONE, denying them (and thus him) ALL defenders.

Short form: Bashing extremist hatemongers to mock Twitter singled no one out until people insisted it singled out them. It ONLY refers to them if they self-identify as extremist hatemongers, but whether the charge is valid by self-identification or does not refer to them at all they merit no sympathy.

Nice try with the classic "calling racism 'racism' is offensive" schtick though (know what else is offensive? Racism. ) No one but bigots (and Oswalt hit most forms) need be upset at him mocking Twitter by bigot-bashing. Yet each person must decide for themselves whether they are bigots, and thus offended by bigot-bashing. To those who decide they are all I can say, with total sincerity, is "Sorry (that you are a bigot.")

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