Active Users:214 Time:02/06/2024 09:11:50 AM
*laughs* Jeordam Send a noteboard - 27/08/2013 09:02:41 PM

Funny you should mention this whole "feeling old" thing, as my friends and I were talking about it just the other day (during our fantasy football draft no less). We came up with these indicators to see if you're old.

  • You have a discussion/debate between the original literary work and at least two different cinematic representations of that same work (i.e.- The Great Gatsby)

  • You see someone who has parked their car poorly, and you automatically think "kids these days"

  • When you're looking for a new place to rent (or a home to buy) and you pay special attention to the floors

  • When you don't even realize that the VMA's were on, until they were over and some starlet pleads for attention through her behavior

  • When you get irritated when someone's playing their music too loud at night (and its 8:30 on a Friday)

And I'm not even old. I refuse to count 35 as old, when (if family history is any indicator) I have 63-ish years left to live.


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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Oh goody, I am officially old. - 27/08/2013 06:28:14 AM 634 Views
Welcome to the Dark Side - 27/08/2013 07:28:16 AM 609 Views
Tell me about it - 27/08/2013 08:04:46 AM 560 Views
I must be strangely young then - 27/08/2013 08:09:57 AM 512 Views
Glad to hear I am young then - 27/08/2013 08:32:21 AM 486 Views
No, just look at your passport. - 27/08/2013 06:37:35 PM 441 Views
*laughs* - 27/08/2013 09:02:41 PM 406 Views
That list should probably be expanded a bit... could be fun. - 27/08/2013 09:13:58 PM 434 Views
LOL - 28/08/2013 08:15:53 AM 442 Views

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