Active Users:320 Time:16/05/2024 10:45:51 AM
It isn't offensive, just whiny - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 01/12/2013 08:40:26 AM

The President comes off rather arrogant with the 'fair reading' remark considering he doesn't even give the customary minimal lip service self-criticism, nothing akin to "While I feel I have tried very hard to be open-minded and fair I'm sure I've let my [insert flaw] get the better of me sometimes and as President I must always strive to set the example rather than sinking to level of my critics, so you are right to chastise me. That said..." etc.

Other than that, the only thing that bugs me is that the president is venting, which totally obliterates the kudos I'd normally give for personally penning a reply to a concerned citizen. He said not one damn thing to allay that citizen's concerns, he just bitched about how hard he has it. All the letter reveals is that the President is feeling abused and is egotistic enough to see all of this from a very one-sided perspective, and still has not realized that even if that were true he shouldn't be saying it was. Lots of people are egocentric and black-and-white that way but most politicians and leaders have enough common sense to know that others respond better to freely accepting a fair share of the blame.

So the letter reads "I'm sorry you're too stupid to realize that all our current problems and lack of unity let alone courtesy are someone else's fault, not mine, and I hope you come to realize that is the case.", but focusing on the teabagger remark or screwing up the 5th grade student/teacher thing detracts from that. Especially since his fuck-up is that he's venting and blaming everyone but himself, and you're turning right around and mocking him for fictional screw-ups. Kinda counter-productive.

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