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Re: It was crazy - that's for sure. everynametaken Send a noteboard - 22/08/2014 01:11:01 AM

View original postI heard the Tech Center was closed for DAYS, not just a day?

Some parts of it are still closed. Several basements are completely flooded still. They have brought in trucks to pump out everything but are still having problems with the last few buildings. My building was only closed for a day, if you look right at the corner of 13 and Van Dyke across from the Wendys, that's where I sit. I think we might actually be up a slight amount compared to the surrounding area, so we didn't get the flooding part too bad. We're actually housing some of the people who still have no offices.

View original postIf you drive around, there are entire neighborhoods with their entire "finished" basements piled onto their curb.

My sister lives over by the east side of Stephenson between 10 and 11 Mile roads. Their entire neighborhood had their basements sitting on the curbside.

View original postAnd like you said, it was "just rain" I had NO idea how bad it was. We left the house around 7 to get some dinner - and ended up spending the next hour just trying to get back into our sub. It was nuts.

View original postThe garbage crews have been working non-stop to pick everything up. As of right now, they are about 3 days behind, which honestly isn't so bad considering just HOW bad it was.

View original postDid you see video from Buddy's? They are all just sitting there eating, and water starts RUSHING in. It was nuts.

No, didn't realize there was video of it, but a few people that accidentally drove in said the water was up to the windows of the vehicles in that parking lot. Even though we get a nice flood every 5 to 10 years, it still seems crazy that it can gather up like that. It's not like we're below sea level or something and it's not like we're rural, with little water drainage infrastructure. There's city grates and water let-offs everywhere. I could see the streets getting shin high or something in a bad situation, but up to the car windows?

But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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Some pictures of the flooding in my area for those interested with news article. - 12/08/2014 11:19:15 AM 419 Views
A second link with more pictures. - 12/08/2014 11:24:55 AM 425 Views
Wow, I hope you are okay. - 15/08/2014 10:42:24 PM 233 Views
It was pretty crazy. - 18/08/2014 05:07:08 AM 236 Views
It was crazy - that's for sure. - 20/08/2014 07:01:17 PM 313 Views
Re: It was crazy - that's for sure. - 22/08/2014 01:11:01 AM 296 Views

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