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An update, he was not arrested for writing books but for a mental health concern. everynametaken Send a noteboard - 09/09/2014 04:23:06 PM

There have been no charges filed against Patrick McLaw, a teacher at Mace's Lane Middle School in Cambridge who self-published two novels, "The Insurrectionist" (2011) and "Lilith's Heir" (2013), under the pen name Dr. K.S. Voltaer.

Free-speech supporters who believed the author was targeted for the books' stories of school massacres in 2902 have been purchasing the novels from Amazon. "Bought this in protest of the local authorities arresting and confining this person just for being a teacher and writing a book about a school killing," reads a typical comment, one of more than 100.

In fact, McLaw has not been arrested. No warrant for his arrest has been issued.

Concerns about McLaw were raised after he sent a four-page letter to officials in Dorchester County. Those concerns brought together authorities from multiple jurisdictions, including health authorities.

McLaw's attorney, David Moore, tells The Times that his client was taken in for a mental health evaluation. "He is receiving treatment," Moore said.

Because of federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations mandating privacy around healthcare issues, he was unable to say whether McLaw has been released.

McLaw's letter was of primary concern to healthcare officials, Maciarello says. It, combined with complaints of alleged harassment and an alleged possible crime from various jurisdictions led to his suspension. Maciarello cautions that these allegations are still being investigated; authorities, he says, "proceeded with great restraint."

What's more, he told The Times, a 2012 police report about McLaw included information about his book, so law enforcement had been aware of it for some time.

McLaw, who is also known as Patrick Beale, was placed on administrative leave on Aug. 22 due to "concerns raised by law enforcement," according to an official statement by the Dorchester County Public Schools.

But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
LA Times
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thoughtcrime is now a real crime, apparently. or -- the criminalization of science fiction writing - 02/09/2014 07:14:44 PM 580 Views
That is nuts. - 04/09/2014 09:02:17 PM 250 Views
you would definitely think. - 05/09/2014 08:11:37 PM 250 Views
Good - 05/09/2014 11:33:20 AM 334 Views
An update, he was not arrested for writing books but for a mental health concern. - 09/09/2014 04:23:06 PM 363 Views

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