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Re: moondog Send a noteboard - 21/01/2015 10:48:46 PM

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You know what, don't answer that

Now to be serious for a moment, I don't condone cheating. Win or lose by talent and it's clear the Patriots would have won that game anyway.

But what I want to know is how the officials did not say anything? They are supposed to test the balls a couple hours before the game. Something seems odd about that particular part.

Also, the SI article is some of the biggest bullshit ever. Dude is a Jets fan. I pity him because he suffers greatly.

Based on what I have seen so far, the balls were cleared for the game. If that's true, either the official responsible for verifying them didn't (due to slacking or conspiracy, I usually assume the former), or something happened to them in between the certification and the discovery. An article I read earlier basically said they're checked a few hours before the game and then anybody can do anything because they're not watched/checked after that. You'd think the refs during the game who are constantly picking up the balls would have noticed though.

each team supplies its own balls for offense. if a ref notices a ball is under-inflated, they go to the opposing team for one of their balls. it's true that the balls are inspected roughly two hours before the game, but at game time they are handled by someone from the home team to get them to the official. supposedly the refs were tipped off at halftime but i haven't seen what, if anything, the refs did with that information.

"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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Let's talk about the Patriots' balls. - 21/01/2015 04:56:13 PM 831 Views
Mine are quite lovely. - 21/01/2015 06:21:31 PM 505 Views
Not underinflated? - 21/01/2015 06:32:08 PM 554 Views
- 21/01/2015 06:58:33 PM 477 Views
Re: - 21/01/2015 07:53:20 PM 588 Views
Re: - 21/01/2015 10:48:46 PM 524 Views
Yeah, but - 22/01/2015 01:20:52 PM 520 Views
It will be interesting to how the NFL handels this - 21/01/2015 06:45:18 PM 516 Views
If it's confirmed that the Pats cheated again (and it looks very bad for them right now) - 21/01/2015 06:56:08 PM 493 Views
Everyone does. - 21/01/2015 06:59:49 PM 608 Views
Maybe. - 21/01/2015 07:49:25 PM 549 Views
over-inflation is not against the rules, but under-inflating is - 21/01/2015 10:46:21 PM 592 Views
Interesting. - 22/01/2015 01:22:02 PM 605 Views
Correct there is. - 22/01/2015 02:15:21 PM 490 Views
i am not sure how outraged I should get about a rule I had never heard of. - 21/01/2015 07:32:47 PM 477 Views
Hrm. - 21/01/2015 07:56:44 PM 510 Views
Re: If it's confirmed that the Pats cheated again (and it looks very bad for them right now) - 21/01/2015 10:44:37 PM 579 Views
LOL. Good point. - 22/01/2015 01:22:29 PM 531 Views
Let me do some research, thorough research, and I'll get back to you! - 21/01/2015 08:25:39 PM 551 Views
That's okay. I don't need you to. Really - 21/01/2015 08:45:13 PM 576 Views
Balls are very important. A lot of people gloss over proper ball treatment. - 21/01/2015 09:28:35 PM 558 Views
I want to make the surprise face, and yet in this thread, I don't dare. - 21/01/2015 09:44:41 PM 461 Views
I'm not scared! - 21/01/2015 09:51:52 PM 586 Views
A video reply to your title. - 21/01/2015 10:17:05 PM 666 Views
I just slammed my mouth shut and broke four teeth. - 21/01/2015 10:21:25 PM 519 Views
Want to click another one? - 21/01/2015 10:27:11 PM 611 Views
Damnit! - 21/01/2015 10:35:53 PM 560 Views
um. I think I clicked it hard enough. - 22/01/2015 09:14:55 PM 543 Views
crap, I'm facebookified. I keep wanting to "like" these comments w/o having to click into them - 22/01/2015 08:24:02 AM 473 Views
You don't need courage! - 22/01/2015 12:27:20 PM 482 Views
And he's not just saying that. - 22/01/2015 07:16:00 PM 570 Views
I always watch it muted. *NM* - 22/01/2015 08:08:09 PM 244 Views
That's because you're a lazy bint. - 22/01/2015 01:47:13 PM 549 Views
You should. - 22/01/2015 02:16:20 PM 621 Views
Bahahahaha *NM* - 22/01/2015 01:47:45 PM 229 Views

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