Active Users:267 Time:17/05/2024 02:22:31 PM
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Before modification by TyrReborn at 17/06/2015 08:02:12 PM

A debate is defined, by Merriam-Webster, as

a: the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure


b: a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides

Seeing as this is not a deliberative body, nor has anyone discussed the proposition (thesis) put forth by Cannoli, this is not a debate. All it is, all it ever was, has been an attempt to nitpick secondary arguments in an attempt to discredit the OP by attempting to make him seem trans(?)phobic.

Besides, his "thesis" is vague, and poorly worded. It is, essentially (and this is me boiling it down to as concise as possible):

"Liberals claim to be objective and scientific, yet are willing to call a person with a Y chromosome a 'woman.'"

Firstly, yes, that is his thesis, but if you thought it was vague or poorly worded, I really don't know what to tell you, other than I think I have some Berenstein Bears books I could let you borrow.

The rest of his post is just rambling anti-trans stuff..

Right, so, yeah, you are attempting to write him off as a -phobe.

And his point is incredibly easy to counter- look up the difference between the definition of "sex" and "gender," and realize which one people are using. No one is suddenly pretending that a Y chromosome suddenly grew a leg and turned into an X.

He brings some creationism stuff into the thread in later posts, which was kind of random, and led to a side discussion. But that's another thing- people are discussing his arguments as he presents them, but they're being presented all willy-nilly, and they're not particularly coherent.

Ok, the definitions of sex and gender were the same thing until they were manipulated by the same people who wish to allow for this sort of trans things anyways. You can't say "I made this up and now it's a thing" and expect everyone to buy into that, which is exactly what has been done.

As for Cannoli bringing creationism into the what-I-hesitate-to-even-call-a-discussion, it was brought up because other people completely ignored his thesis(remember, that thing a 'debate' is supposed to be centered on) to nitpick on an offhanded comment about fossils.

So yeah, sure, Cannoli is totally the one bringing things up "willy-nilly".

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