Active Users:318 Time:16/06/2024 08:13:02 PM
I'm not, you're making some (understandable) assumptions Cannoli Send a noteboard - 05/10/2016 11:23:38 PM

I see you bring up inferior negotiaton skills - meaning, they get lower pay for the same job.

No, that was in regards to the car price thing.

'Women are not paid less than men for the same job with the same qualifications'. So you're saying they get the same pay for the same job, and they don't have inferior negotiation skills, then? You can't have it both ways.

I'm not saying that. If I was, however, I would have been referencing how the (false) claim by feminists, nonetheless puts them in a bad light.

I'm pretty sure the raison d'etre of feminists is not to 'convince people to trust women with responsibility'.

What is it then? That's what "equal rights" is all about, if you accept their premise that women are somehow relegated to inferior status. Responsibility is inherent in the possession or acquisition of rights and power. If you want more rights, power, agency or even money, you are asking to be trusted with more responsibility.
At least if we're talking about today's feminists who, apparently wrongly in your case, figure that they can take certain basic points for granted and skip ahead to the comparatively small yet remarkably difficult remaining steps towards full gender equality.

The genders are inherently unequal, so insisting on equal outcomes is an absurdity, because the degree of social, political and financial recompense that would be appropriate to cancel out the biologically imposed inequalities of the two sexes, and therefore any policy enacted or imposed on such a basis would be automatically and inherently unjust. You can voice all the disingenuously nebulous rhetoric about equality you like, but as you admit, we're at the point where the gap is pretty small, which means that if we are close to the finish line, we have to start defining the goal more precisely. We're at the point where feminists have to split hairs and invent grievances, because common sense perceptions, based on actual experience of people says that they've got equality and then some. They certainly have more explicitly codified and specific advantages and privileges than men do, and in fact, what privileges or exclusive male opportunities still exist do so only because it is impossible to adjust for them (i.e. peeing standing up, sports, etc), or because women are largely uninterested in them (possibly also peeing standing up and sports; word on the street seems pretty mixed on women's opinions of such things).

Most of the things that still exist, like sexual double standards, are artifacts of human reproduction, which already imposes a double standard, and imposed behaviors recognize that. Keeping a tighter lid on a daughter's sexuality than on a son's is no more discriminatory than Englishmen spending more on umbrellas than Arabs do - circumstances beyond human control dictate that one group faces more serious consequences than the other. The reproductive factor also imposes its costs elsewhere in areas of human activity, including governing women's individual choices, which comes back around to the alleged pay gap.

There IS an income gap between women and men, but that is also largely due to women working much less than men do, and doing so less productively, in most cases, in service to lifestyle choices.

Of course the ad you linked to is pretty lame, and I have no idea what the comment about paying more for cars is even about, but that doesn't really make your post any less baffling.

The paying more for cars is the entirety of the "negotiation skills" reference. The go-to myth from feminists on that car salesmen take advantage of female buyers and so women end up paying more for cars. Because it's sexism that they don't do any preparation or stick to their guns?

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Are feminists making fun of themselves? - 01/10/2016 10:25:03 PM 885 Views
Can you link to one of these Seth Rogen commercials ? *NM* - 02/10/2016 11:06:41 AM 242 Views
Sure - 04/10/2016 11:14:40 PM 537 Views
Liberals have turned victimhood into a cult *NM* - 05/10/2016 06:34:51 PM 171 Views
I assume you're aware that you're contradicting yourself within the post - so which is it? - 05/10/2016 07:41:34 PM 516 Views
I'm not, you're making some (understandable) assumptions - 05/10/2016 11:23:38 PM 501 Views

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