Active Users:175 Time:17/05/2024 09:14:56 AM
Because CIA conspiracies are SO much less common than Mafia conspiracies? - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 02/03/2017 08:52:13 PM

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The CIA was perfectly happy with JFK as President until he screwed them by withdrawing the air support for the Bay of Pigs.

That is a pretty big "until," no? Kennedys decision to begin withdrawing from Vietnam after reading an eye-gouging casualty projection he was never supposed to see surely did not thrill them either, and that was about a month before he was killed.

Sam G and all his peers around the country were also perfectly happy getting JFK elected. Hell, they figured he owed them already for enabling his father's riches before delivering Illinois in the election. Sam G was pals with Sinatra, who hung with JFK and his brother-in-law Peter Lawford. Mooney and JFK were even shtupping the same mistress, Judith Exner.
All true, or close enough; it is quite plausible that the mob killed JFK and RFK—but MLK? Marylin? Trying to kill Wallace and Ted? WHY?! More to the point, if the Mafia (alone) killed both Kennedies is not only plausible but INEVITABLE a Warren Commission run by Dulles would have found a literal smoking gun? And would have PUBLISHED it, if only to quiet accusations about his own involvement?

View original postDespite what you may believe, Tricky Dick was never close to being the most powerful man in DC during those times - 50's and early 60's. J. Edgar Hoover had way too much dirt on him.

Speaking of Hoovers dirt on Nixon: Not one but TWO FBI memo to Hoover say Bush contacted them about DIFFERENT JFK assassins, the second time WHILE BUSH WAS IN DALLAS DURING JFKS ASSASSINATION. Bush 41 dismissed the first memo about a "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" "warning" JFK would be assassinated in Dallas (i.e covering his own ass,) first by denying his CIA career, then claiming the memo referred to a different George Bush; that man actually exists, but swore UNDER OATH he had no idea what, nor WHOM, the FBI memo was talking about since he was in VA the whole time (i.e. neither FL nor TX.) Not content with a single red herring, Bush offered the FBI ANOTHER assassin suspect after the fact, even having the audacity to INCIDENTALLY admit he himself was IN Dallas during the assassination. Again: Not Florida, and not Virginia: Dallas, Texas. And this time no "George Bush is a common name" dodge (much less denial of his CIA career) is possible, since the memo describes him as"president of Zapata Oil," a company well documented both on Bushs resume and as a CIA front.

shrugs The Kennedies are all gone now, but Nixons protege Reagan is the patron saint of the Republican Party, while his OTHER protege Roy Cohns protege is the CURRENT President of the US. In between, Nixon appointed Bush unofficial ambassador to "Red" China when he Opened the Door to outsourcing all US manufacturing there, and former Warren Commission member Gerald Ford appointed Bush Director of the CIA to which he never belonged. All while the US goes right on with the black ops assassinations, coups and civil wars pioneered on Ikes nominal watch and Nixons actual one. The Mafia only WISHES it could control the US that completely for over half a century: But what possible incentive could organized crime have for doing all those things? Because Nixon had plenty for EACH of them.

There is an unbroken chain of command all the way back to the early '50s, and the Mafia was never involved in it as anything more than hired muscle. Think of them as Plumbers who cannot be traced back to anyone official, if only because the mob can be hired to do hits and CIA cleaning crews can then be assigned to take out the mob hitmen so know one alive knows who actually ordered the hits. Except whoever DID order them, of course....

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