Active Users:239 Time:13/05/2024 05:46:59 AM
The closer you are to the border the more likely it will eminent domain you out of property - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 09/03/2017 09:02:49 PM

And the more likely you illegally employ an illegal alien. People can rail against "sanctuary cities" all they like, but illegal aliens are not coming to the US to become "welfare queens" (people in the country illegally tend to want to AVOID government offices and agents.) Even if they successfully commit the ADDITIONAL crimes of forging ID, pay stubs and other records and applying for welfare benefits, you cannot send food stamps (or a Lone Star Card) home to relatives in Mexico: You must send CASH (or a check; some form of actual currency transfer) and that almost invariably means a JOB. Crack down on employers evading US labor and other laws by hiring illegal aliens and you will crack down on illegal immigration.

A wall, however, is practically useless sense even the best ground-penetrating radar is only reliable to about fifty feet below the surface. It certainly will not prevent people legally entering with temporary visas, then simply illegally refusing to leave. Last but not least, the suggestion we cut TSA funding to pay for a border wall to improve "national security" is stupefying: When terrorists tried to drive across the Canadian border with truck full of explosives to blow up LAX in 2000, border security stopped them, but when terrorists hijacked four planes to fly them into four buildings in three cities in 2001, our security measures were... less effective....

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