And they don't call it grilled cheese to make I sound healthy they call it that because it was made on a griddle. I am very old, almost ancient as mook, and we called them grilled cheese way back before everyone decided fried was bad.
Should have gone to Hooters. They suck but they have beer.
I went there once or twice because I heard the food was good and that it was not the strip-club sort of atmosphere I had imagined from the marketing. I had a grilled cheese there, and IIRC it was pretty good. They put a pickle on the plate, which I am starting to think is some sort of restaurant/diner code for "We actually know how to do these sandwiches". Anyway, I got the impression it was more expensive, plus the costuming is still objectionable, and if you don't drink, renders it a definitely inferior choice.
And cooked on a griddle is still fried.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!