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What social agenda? What does Obama mean by saying Reid is on the right side of history? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 12/01/2010 02:44:31 PM
Why assume Lott was referring to segregation we he said it? Segregation was an issue at the time but so the creation of all the social programs and rapid growth of the federal government. The fact that so many people focus on his stance on that issue today doesn't mean it is the only issue of importance.

Segregation was the essential point of Thurmond's program back then, the main thing distinguishing him from the Republican and Democratic candidates. If you're going to refer to Thurmond's presidential bid over half a century earlier, rather than the man's stances and achievements as a senator much later, the obvious difference is that back then he was segregated. And Lott had already made a rather similar (in fact nearly identical) remark in the past, so he must've known how it would be interpreted.
Still though do you actually believe that a if a republican had said what Reid said he would get a pass? You shouldn't because them democrats themselves are saying that Reid's stance on social programs is why they are OK with it. If McCain had said the same thing would he get a pass? Would Palin? Hell would Steele even get a pass?

Steele, being black, could get away with it I'm sure. The others, it would probably be a media scandal as well, and some on the Democratic side might try and blow it out of proportion. That's just how politics works. The part of your post I'm disagreeing with is that you try to equate Reid's statements to Lott's, and accuse people of double standards for defending Reid while having attacked Lott. I strongly suspect that they do indeed have double standards and would attack e.g. McCain if he said what Reid said, but that's a hypothetical situation that hasn't actually happened.
Whatever Lott said it doesn't change the fact the black leadership is openly saying that support of their political agenda is proof of racial tolerance and opposing it makes you suspect. I guess you call it extortion instead of double standard but that seems harsh to me. Still boils down to support the social agenda or risk being branded a bigot.

What social agenda and which black leadership quotes are you talking about? The quote by Congresswoman Lee, I'll grant you, was idiotic and even incendiary, trying to cast Republican opposition to the health care bill - and Democratic support for it - as based on race.
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Republicans cite Lott in calling for Reid to quit - 11/01/2010 07:26:24 PM 596 Views
They aren't the same, at all. - 11/01/2010 09:12:57 PM 392 Views
The democrats are all but admitting there is a double standard - 11/01/2010 09:32:02 PM 394 Views
If by "double standard" you mean... - 11/01/2010 10:03:35 PM 409 Views
Not sure how any of that changes the facts - 11/01/2010 10:53:49 PM 340 Views
Re: Not sure how any of that changes the facts - 12/01/2010 12:02:34 AM 402 Views
What social agenda? What does Obama mean by saying Reid is on the right side of history? - 12/01/2010 02:44:31 PM 426 Views
Perhaps this is a case of actions speaking louder than words. - 12/01/2010 02:29:48 AM 433 Views
that is my point - 12/01/2010 02:43:49 PM 371 Views
Geraldine Ferraro - 12/01/2010 01:29:19 AM 481 Views
Or they could have used the Clintons - 12/01/2010 02:50:24 PM 353 Views
Honestly - 11/01/2010 11:05:03 PM 352 Views
Re: Honestly - 12/01/2010 03:50:35 AM 348 Views
Reid's comments were as racist as they come..... - 12/01/2010 04:03:02 AM 384 Views
harry reid is a moron and should probably be replaced anyway.... - 12/01/2010 04:18:51 AM 415 Views

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