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Barry wasn't an NFL head coach, he was a placeholding yes man. Joel Send a noteboard - 22/01/2010 06:56:43 AM
The first thing he had to say after his only SB was "How 'bout them Cowboys!" (gee, how strangely familiar, but then, all his other noteworthy pro "accomplishments" were inherited from Jimmy, so no surprise. )
And if you don't want to give him credit for his wins because Jimmy built the team then Wade shouldn't have to take credit for losses in first two years since they were not teams he built. That means he is batting 500.

Personally I think it is wrong headed to judge a coach or a QB based on the results of one or two games and to ignore the results of the rest of the games they played. Only one team a year gets the ring, the rest of the teams didn't suck.

Yeah, well, with Switzer we don't have much more than one or two games; wonder why that is....

As a pro coach I don't give Barry Switzer credit for anything; I don't think he had them ready for the '9ers in '94, but I also think Tagliabue had a hard on for them and a hatred of Dallas the whole time he was Commissioner, and there was no way Dallas was going to be the first team to win three straight. Maybe it's just as well they lost the Conference Championship or the next game might have turned into Black Sunday. Let's not revisit early 1995 though because the only good things that happened to me then were that I discovered WoT and just how good a friend my best friend is.

As an amateur coach I credit Switzer being so lax OU players were indicted for murder committed while dealing coke, and being PROUD when that meant they were given (and I do mean "given" ) a National Championship while on probation. Shelter murderers and you lose your TV games but still go to Bowls, but if a coach down in Houston or Bryan prevents a broke player spending a month on the street it's no TV games, no Bowls, no scholarships, no nothing, and be glad you still have a program (SMU didn't for much of the '80s, and to my knowledge none of their players ever killed anyone. ) Sorry if that turned into a rant on the NCAA, but Barry was an NCAA coach and nothing more. How long was his NFL career, again...? Comparing Switzer and other coaches is like comparing Ford and other Presidents; they had the job, technically and briefly, but only as an obvious mistake corrected ASAP.
Or that he has been so for his time at Dallas. No he hasn't won the big one yet but guess what no has one it until they have one it. His team played better then a lot of coaches that people seem to think walk on water.
Two words: Marty Schottenheimer. Though a 5-13 post season record is better than 1-4 (or 0-3 prior to this year. ) I like Wade, but I'm not convinced he's more than a very good DC.

Schottenheimer was fired after going 14-2 and not winning a Super Bowl. Tell me how did the Chargers finish up the year? Maybe it wasn't the coach after all. Schottenheimer will end up with a yellow jacket.

The talking heads on TV put way to much weight behind who is the head coach. Players win games and assistant coaches are the one who get them ready to win them.

I disagree with that strongly, and not just because head coaches are heavily involved with selecting (and instructing) coordinators even on the occasions they don't pick them personally. Largely because of another reason I disagree: The coordinators don't operate in a vacuum any more than their players, less, I'd say, and that means they have to be 1) on the same page as the head coach and 2) coordinated themselves by him.

Yeah, Marty will get his trip to Canton, most likely, but what he did with the Chargers had nada to do with The Drive or The Fumble. Oh, and guess who was coaching the Chiefs when they were the top seed in the AFC and lost the Championship to Denver. Wade has a similar problem to a lesser degree: Twice he's taken over teams that Dan Reeves (another classic example of Americas Boy Scouts, and it got him much grief in Denver, especially from Elway) coached to losing Super Bowls and failed to even get them that far again. Switzer never had to build a team, but, in all fairness, he never had the opportunity. Wade did, and Marty had more than most coaches dream of, but they couldn't even get to the Big Dance, let alone win there. Ironically, that's probably what will get Marty to Canton, though in his case it's more of a Hall of Infamy.

Coaches are odd ducks; many of them excel in several areas but are abysmal at others, and one example of that is that just as some coaches can win with but can't build good teams, the opposite is true. Every team Marty's coached was nothing when he arrived and a power when he left, but his commitment to "Martyball" (like Landryball, but more conservative ) made a ring (ANY ring) impossible. Jerry Glanville couldn't win a playoff game at gunpoint, but he rebuilt the Oilers from ashes, and his loud mouth, black leather suits and leaving tickets for Elvis at every home game put butts in the seats. Given Bud Adams threatened to move the team three times if Harris County didn't redesign the Dome to get him more revenue, and ultimately did it, that seems important, too. Not a Championship coach, no more than Marty and, I begin to fear, Wade. The Oilers were my boys and when Bud ran Bum and Earl out of town it broke my young heart: I want nothing but the best for Wade, but I don't see it happening in Dallas or anywhere.
As for the talent thing I find it odd that you don't seem to really like any of the Cowboys players but think they are wasting all of this untapped talent. Exactly who are you referring to when you talk about the talent at Dallas. I don't really see that they are really any different talent wise then any other palyoff team and some of their best talent are free agents.
Romo grew on me a LOT in the last month, though until he can do it for more than one season I won't be sold, but the Cowboys have some pretty good players. Jay Ratliff finally seems to be a NT worthy of the name, and I'd start Roy Williams, Miles Austin, Patrick Crayton and Jason Witten on my team without a second thought. I have issues with Olshansky from his days in SD (not getting into that though) but who wouldn't want Ware, Newman, Spencer or Spears? I wouldn't mind having Barber in Denver, except we've had backs who had great games one week and got 20 yards on 10 carries and 2 fumbles the next. Same problem Romo had: Talent is there, but no one's taught him how to control it, or told him he better figure the hell out how or look for work. There's less of that now that TO, the OTHER Roy Williams and Keyshawn aren't around, but then I think the Cowboys finished about where they belong this year, regular season and playoffs.

Roy Williams? wouldn't you rather have a receiver who can catch? Jones is better running back right now then Barber and Witten has the same number of false starts as Adams.

I agree the Cowboys have some good players, that is why they did well this season but I don't think have a more talent then the other top tier teams in the league and I don't think they played below their talent level. If anything I think they finished the season playing above their talent level which is why the wheels came off so dramatically in the second half of the game. When a team has been playing above their talent level for an extended amount of time the drop we they lode that momentum is dramatic. Sort of like what happened to your ponies and the giants.

The Broncos weren't for real; they had a head coach no one had faced and that meant no one had studied his game film as head coaches are studied. For about a month it meant that, but a stupid NFL coach is still pretty sharp about football; they adapted and he kept trying to do what no longer worked. And ended the season blaming the collapse on 53 other people whose performance is supposedly independent of his. I mean, wtf, if you want to bench your best player for discipline, maybe Thanksgiving is a better time to do that than a must win week 17 game. It doesn't matter how contrite he is on his sofa.

I think Dallas finished about where they belonged: They were the best team in the Division and a legit team, but not the best or even second best in the League or Conference.
I know you hate Jerry and I am not a member of Jerry fan club either but I think he has demonized a little to much and besides I was Cowboy fan before he got here and I will be a fan when he is gone. It isn't like he turned the team into the Detroit Lions. All teams wax and wane and the Cowboys have simply waxed more then most, even under Jerry. How many teams have better records then the Cowboys have had since Jerry showed up? Three rings played in four championship games have one their division 8 out 19 times winning record 13 out of 19. That isn't to shabby of a record.
The Cowboys waxed under Jimmy Johnson, declined thereafter and have never reemerged as a a major contender. 'Cept for the year they got homefield advantage but were swept in their first game by a team they beat twice during the season. The standards are different in places like Dallas than they are in Detroit, just ask Brian Griese, Jake Plummer and Jay Cutler and, soon, Kyle Orton (he may be more screwed than any of them because he got Grieses arm and mobility but Plummers brain. ) If you're a Falcons fan you're just happy to make the playoffs; if you're a Cowboys fan anything less than a ring is failure.

Cowboys fans need to get over the idea that anything less then a ring is a failure. The days of football dynasties are over. With revenue sharing, free agency and salary caps you have to be happy with winning seasons and the occasional shot at a title.

Hell look at a biggest rivals from the glory days, most of them wish they could be doing as the Cowboys have been doing. But lets be honest it is the Cowboys critics not the Cowboy fans who typically want to hold the Cowboys to unrealistic standards. Most of the fans I know (and I know a lot of them) are disappointed with how it ended but the are generally happy with the team. You here some the typical sofa chair grumbling about this guy should start or this guy should be fired but overall I think the team has as much support as ever. I saw a lot of Cowboy shirts after the loss.

People who hate Dallas aren't complaining, they're laughing, or haven't you noticed? Real fans don't show up just for wins or bail on their boys when they lose. Not so much now, but a few years ago people who watched Gradishar and Mecklenburg from the stands felt no little contempt for bandwagon fans who only showed up after a few SB wins. I'm a little sensitive to it myself because I got on board after I picked them to win it all in the summer of '97, but if I'd only embraced them after Elways first ring I'd be ashamed to open my mouth. If I weren't a Cowboys fan I'd be with the mockers, but my anger is because I demand better from my team.

And the price of setting a high standard is being expected to maintain it, in any arena, and especially professional ones. Though the Pats, Colts and Steelers aren't doing bad in the dynasty department. Every team Dallas fields from now till the end of time will be compared to Landrys and Jimmys; that's the way it is, just like every Denver and SF team will be compared to the ones from the '80s and '90s. I'd bet money that part of what pushes the Steelers so hard is that even after two SBs this decade fans still say, "yeah... but Chuck Noll won four.... " That's the price of greatness, and, yeah, it sucks in a lot of ways because some VERY good teams and players will still be found wanting. I despised him and still think Aikman was more accurate, but think about how good Steve Young had to be to survive as Montanas replacement.
Almost every head coach either focused on defense or offense before they became head coach so I am not sure how much weight their is to that argument.
Granted, but most successful ones move beyond that sooner or later. Very few people have the luxury of saying, "I don't know wtf I'm doing; here, Peyton, YOU run the offense. " More often it's "crap, Vince Young can't run an offense by himself yet. "

That isn't exactly what happened. He had a defensive and offensive coordinator when he started and the defense wasn't playing up to speed and since that is his strong suite he took over and the defense is running great. Hoe many head coaches run both sides of the ball? He is still the one who decides on overall offensive strategy Jason just calls the plays.

I really think you are holding Wade to an unfair standard and haven't seen you point to anything he is doing that isn't pretty mush SOP in the NFL.

I know how it works; I am not confident of his offensive strategizing, which, once again, he alone can do, because he has to integrate what his coordinators are doing and make sure each part of the team works in harmony for the same goals. You can't have a ballhawking, high risk/reward D creating turnovers if your offense creates plenty of its own, and you can't play "bend but don't break" if it takes you 10:00 to score a TD while they beat you with FGs.

Where was Wade when Romo was too busy watching Jessica to watch the game? Stopping by Wikipedia just now has me reassessing Romo (and Wade) again: I didn't know Romo, Jessica, Witten and Carpenter spent the week before the playoff loss to NY at Cabo (explains a lot though. ) Then he dumped her the day before her b-day; classy. Why's Wade letting three starters to to Cabo a week before a playoff game?

Where was Wade when TO was passing out popcorn? Here's what that worthy had to say about Wade vs. Parcells: "Everybody knows he's a laid-back coach, obviously a little different than Bill. ... I don't think you have to be a disciplinarian to get your point across.... I think having a new head coach is good for everybody. It's a little bit more relaxed. I think you can tell that by the atmosphere in the locker room. I don't think I just have to really spell it out for you, but I think it's very evident. "

No, you don't have to spell it out for me, and it's no surprise TO doesn't think coaches need to be disciplinarians, or that he left, not because the coach or owner got fed up, but because he thought Romo threw to Witten too much.

But the real problem, IMHO, isn't Romo or TO or even Wade: It's that JERRY doesn't think coaches need to be disciplinarians, and when his hand picked pets pull their crap, what can a coach do? Parcells never wanted Keyshawn, but he wound up starting anyway, didn't he? Who was right on that one? And how much difference did it make...?
I don't have a problem with Wade. I don't think the head coach needs to be head cheerleader and the team has continued to improve since he has been here. Yes I know their record was better in 2007 but I still think this was a better team. I have a bigger problem with Garret and have never been impressed with his play calling. One of the hottest receivers in league and they take no shots down field during the first half? It isn't like they didn't have enough time of possession to take a shot or two. Yes they were having protection problems but there are ways to get around that for one or two shots down field.
The coach doesn't need to be head cheerleader, or shouldn't often (someone needed to rally the troops at halftime last week though, and guess who's job that is. ) He does need to be able to tell players not to skip practice or stay out too late, but that's hard to do with prima donnas who have the owner on speed dial. And I've liked Garrett since the day he walked on the field (on the other hand that was around the time I thought the solution to the QB controversy was trade Aikman and start Walsh, so wtf do I know? ) Till Dallas got a handle on Edwards and the NFLs second leading sackmaster you weren't going to see many 7 step drops. Which brings us back to "Colombo and Adams need to stop loafing, and Wade needs to make that VERY clear to them. " At this point I don't know if they have the talent or not; seems like all I ever see Flozell do is get penalized.

Adams and Witten had the same number of false starts and Adams had very penalties in the second half of the season. The entire Tuck incident was blown out of proportion. Hardly the first time a player shoved another player after the play was blow dead. It was chicken shit move but the press blew it all of portion. Adams is a good LT that is why he as been to the probowl five times. in general you hear about O linemen when they are messing up. Besides the Vikings game what are you basing your judgment of Colombo and Adams on? I saw Romo get sacked more because Witten blew a block then because Adams got beat.

Not the way I remember the second half, but if you want to throw lots of passes I don't recommend having a receiving tight end block Jared Allen or any Pro Bowler. Game stats list six sacks, four by DEs, so we're back to the same thing: Even if it's mostly on Witten (which I dispute) asking receiving TEs to block DEs all the time may be a poor "business decision. " Remember, Witten does so much blocking TO left town out of jealousy.

Adams always has penalties when I'm watching; maybe it's just my bad luck. And while work and life don't let me watch many games any more, I do still try to watch my teams when I can. Usually these days that means I don't see Denver but get the Houston and Dallas games every week. I was actually on break in my car when I heard the Tuck play on the radio, but hitting a guy after the whistle is a mental thing, a DISCIPLINE thing. In past years I've seen him false start on back to back plays, on more than one occasion. Also mental, also discipline. The only thing your bench or 40 time has to do with that is that if you aren't disciplined in the weight room and on the practice field you won't be disciplined on Sunday. Maybe a guy holds 'cos he got beat, but if he can't hold his water that's mental, and if he doesn't have his head in the game it's the coaches job to make sure he does or find someone who will. He's becoming what Nate Newton did at the end, for the same reasons, IMHO. Colombo is more episodic in his infractions, and they're more often holds; maybe he just doesn't have the ability. With the Cowboys it's often hard to tell....

In the final analysis whether your guys can't win the Big One or just WON'T it's the coaches job to fix that, but in professional sports coaches rarely make the decision to hire or fire (which is why every head coach who thinks he's got the leverage tries to get the GM job, too; you don't have to hope the front office will give you the guys you're begging them to give you. ) That Dallas has had one coach since Jimmy who's known for demanding performance and character makes me think the problem's higher in the food chain. As a devoted Cowboys fan, there's nothing I can do but grit my teeth, suck it up and hope Jerry either comes to his senses or sells the team to someone rational.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
This message last edited by Joel on 22/01/2010 at 06:58:58 AM
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For the Record, I Think Terry Was Right, not Jimmy. - 18/01/2010 12:52:27 AM 753 Views
There is no running up the score in pro sports. - 18/01/2010 01:24:24 AM 515 Views
Sure there is. - 18/01/2010 01:59:16 AM 444 Views
Three reasons I disagree. - 18/01/2010 03:39:09 AM 447 Views
I largely agree, but... - 18/01/2010 04:45:22 AM 441 Views
I still dispute that defense wins titles in football. - 18/01/2010 05:22:43 AM 472 Views
Their own coach gave Indy their first loss. - 18/01/2010 01:37:51 AM 633 Views
This isn't about liking or disliking either team. - 18/01/2010 02:26:25 AM 611 Views
It was stupid but they have the right to score if they want - 18/01/2010 02:24:39 AM 442 Views
Less time than I remembered, underscoring the point. - 18/01/2010 02:32:00 AM 511 Views
Naw I hope the Saints kick the snot out of them - 18/01/2010 03:54:55 AM 562 Views
Favre got his ass kicking in '97; I just wish I had it on tape. - 18/01/2010 04:38:54 AM 586 Views
Ahem - 18/01/2010 09:03:35 AM 594 Views
Yeah, yeah, where were you in '04? - 18/01/2010 09:05:41 AM 449 Views
If Bush keeps playing like he did I don't think anyone will - 18/01/2010 02:13:36 PM 467 Views
two reasons you are wrong - 18/01/2010 06:02:40 AM 458 Views
So it's OK to humiliate a good team, just not a horrible one? - 18/01/2010 06:34:24 AM 476 Views
eh? - 18/01/2010 07:11:25 AM 437 Views
The Catch didn't make up 32 points, and The Comeback took more than the two minute warning. - 18/01/2010 08:12:54 AM 460 Views
um, not to put words in your mouth, but.... - 18/01/2010 03:48:55 PM 453 Views
If you think they're still in it, ice it with the FG; if you don't, kneel down and go home. - 18/01/2010 05:48:19 PM 644 Views
Again, this is professional level playoff football - 18/01/2010 07:42:18 PM 535 Views
Seems I also misremembered the final, FWIW. - 19/01/2010 12:17:43 AM 652 Views
Yeah, pretty much - 18/01/2010 06:58:37 AM 480 Views
Hey, if a team can run up the score against you, you shouldn't be in the playoffs. - 18/01/2010 01:32:30 PM 474 Views
great argument to bad it is based more on your emtions then reality - 18/01/2010 02:09:13 PM 504 Views
pot meet kettle... *NM* - 18/01/2010 04:05:47 PM 205 Views
hello kettle - 18/01/2010 04:19:49 PM 453 Views
the problem being that you're criticizing someone for being emotional while doing the same - 18/01/2010 04:42:09 PM 474 Views
speaking of sandy vaginas - 18/01/2010 05:43:04 PM 427 Views
that was so incomprehensible i'm not sure how to respond.... - 18/01/2010 11:19:38 PM 503 Views
To be fair, some, though not all, of Dallas' critics take unconcealed glee in their misfortunes. - 19/01/2010 12:49:35 AM 473 Views
I have no problem with the critisim - 20/01/2010 06:56:38 PM 420 Views
When I'm criticizing Romo I'm really criticizing Jerry. - 20/01/2010 11:51:50 PM 471 Views
For all of the boot Wade talk most people forget he is one of winning coaches in NFL - 21/01/2010 05:10:50 AM 380 Views
His playoff record is wretched though, so every time he loses a playoff game someone will mention it - 21/01/2010 02:10:58 PM 419 Views
You must think Barry Switzer is one the greatest coaches of all time then he is 5 of 7 post season - 21/01/2010 04:28:29 PM 496 Views
Barry wasn't an NFL head coach, he was a placeholding yes man. - 22/01/2010 06:56:43 AM 547 Views
No sorry either a coach is responsible for his teams record or he isn't - 22/01/2010 04:39:09 PM 466 Views
I was saying stop winning because I call people out for stupid hate post - 20/01/2010 02:38:46 PM 434 Views
LOL - 21/01/2010 02:30:16 AM 400 Views
you appear to be the onbe worked up there sandy *NM* - 21/01/2010 05:12:19 AM 210 Views
Re: great argument to bad it is based more on your emtions then reality - 18/01/2010 04:43:23 PM 485 Views
Re: great argument to bad it is based more on your emtions then reality - 18/01/2010 06:57:47 PM 476 Views
no but when they go bad they go real bad - 18/01/2010 07:54:40 PM 412 Views
I had no problem with it. - 19/01/2010 05:32:19 PM 424 Views
Seems it's just me, Brooking and Bradshaw on this one. - 20/01/2010 09:28:03 AM 473 Views
What should happen... - 20/01/2010 05:24:45 PM 470 Views
Wasn't Childress trying to bench Favre to protect him at the end fo the season...? - 21/01/2010 02:20:30 AM 475 Views
Your glass are a little rose colored when you look at the Landry years - 21/01/2010 03:16:48 PM 419 Views
might want to check your facts there.... - 22/01/2010 01:06:57 AM 541 Views
yes but the Cowboys win their turkey day games - 22/01/2010 03:17:55 PM 558 Views
Schramm marketed the hell out of them, yes, but Landry and the players made it credible. - 22/01/2010 04:55:01 AM 477 Views
White hurt his wrist after Landry brought him back - 22/01/2010 03:30:35 PM 420 Views
I think you confuse the press with the team - 20/01/2010 02:55:53 PM 386 Views
Not hear... see. - 20/01/2010 05:08:15 PM 346 Views
You have passion on your side but I have history - 20/01/2010 06:49:32 PM 400 Views
It's not about "Can" or "Having the Right" or whether or not the Cowboys "should" stop them... - 20/01/2010 04:43:36 PM 454 Views
"Character is who you are in the dark. " - 20/01/2010 11:13:28 PM 496 Views
it's interesting.... - 21/01/2010 02:25:36 AM 368 Views
I can never find an original source either. - 21/01/2010 02:33:47 AM 388 Views
Re: For the Record, I Think Terry Was Right, not Jimmy. - 22/01/2010 08:55:23 PM 517 Views

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