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Used to be wotmania; now it's kinda hit and miss. Joel Send a noteboard - 11/02/2010 09:23:37 AM
There was a time when I didn't NEED to go elsewhere, because generally a story, ANY story, would "break" on the CMB long before it did anywhere else. Back when I was a bum there were many times when I'd turn on the network news at 5:30 and find myself thinking, Yeah, I've been arguing about this for hours already, and with people who shared all the facts and insights you are plus many you aren't. Often as not I'm at work when the evening news is on now, and I pretty much lost all faith in the major networks when they decided Katie Couric was a hard nosed journalist. Just because you have Cronkite introduce Americas Kid Sister doesn't make her his equal.
1. Do you primarily read or watch?

Mostly read these days, I think, usually to something linked here or something from a search prompted by something I read here. One of the things I still like about EVP is all the links to RCP and Political Wire stories. Occasionally I'll find myself at a NYT or similar link; just yesterday I was reading a CBS article about Levin predicting the demise of the filibuster doing to a showdown on the Senate floor (which is exceptionally lame, IMHO, but I'll try to avoid taking even sides one might not expect of me. ) I don't watch the News Hour as much anymore, partly because it keeps getting slowly drained of all substance, partly because I'm getting so disgusted and partly because I got used to it being opposite the Simpsons, which doesn't make me want to throw things as much. ;)
2. Everybody may fudge on the question, but do you think that show/site/paper/mag/etc is biased or reasonably fair?

Varies by source, but for the most part I do. Most of the bias I see is not in what they say but in what they DON'T say, and part of what I like/miss about the News Hour is that they used to tell me everything the other networks did plus a number of things they didn't.
3. Do you find yourself reading/watching things that fit your view, or do you try to pick other sources to make yourself read/watch something you find less pleasant (be honest!;))?

I used to, to an extent; I still think Rather was set up (he did, after all, show the documents to Bush before he showed them to anyone else, and the response was basically that they couldn't prove them fake, which was magically done within hours of when he aired them. ) But even if you ARE very partisan, it's not smart, because then you're basically being told what you want to hear and end up blindsided by reality. I'd rather have all the data and form my own conclusions, especially if they're likely to be what a given news source would encourage anyway.
4. Other than read and find out, do you contribute comments to websites (having to do with news, political debates, etc- not exactly talking youtube here)?

Not really. There aren't many other places that don't declare one topic or another off limits, or segregate religious and political discussion. There are also aren't as many with such diverse viewpoints. The ability to discuss even the most sensitive issues with people from every range and combination of political and other schools, in a civil yet candid way, is one of the biggest things that made wotmania irresistible to me.
5. Do you typically read the comments, regardless of whether you participate? While we're on the subject, can you name a site where one can generally find semi-reasonable comments?

I think this is it, honestly. Going to partisan or even primarily political sites usually just yields a collection of zealots and trolls duking it out through posts with very little meat on their bones.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Where do you get the majority of your news? - 10/02/2010 12:08:05 PM 680 Views
Here - 10/02/2010 12:20:39 PM 388 Views
Primarily the Irish Times and the BBC - 10/02/2010 01:07:48 PM 404 Views
Various places. - 10/02/2010 01:28:18 PM 479 Views
Um, all of them. - 10/02/2010 01:43:17 PM 380 Views
No wonder Tim likes you. *NM* - 10/02/2010 05:34:07 PM 138 Views
Well being one of the chosen most of it comes from God by way of little voices in my head - 10/02/2010 02:34:28 PM 510 Views
Re: Well being one of the chosen most of it comes from God by way of little voices in my head - 10/02/2010 06:57:56 PM 377 Views
some of it is to far left for me - 10/02/2010 09:14:23 PM 298 Views
Re: some of it is to far left for me - 11/02/2010 01:04:16 AM 328 Views
In Sweden - 10/02/2010 03:04:12 PM 483 Views
Aftonbladet FTW! *NM* - 10/02/2010 03:25:29 PM 137 Views
No - 10/02/2010 03:40:03 PM 328 Views
Oh I know, I was just kiddin - 10/02/2010 03:48:02 PM 366 Views
Expressen is worse, though - 10/02/2010 03:53:18 PM 335 Views
Yeah, the Bild was rather shocking to my puritan sensibilities - 10/02/2010 04:08:13 PM 393 Views
Mostly radio and net - 10/02/2010 03:42:53 PM 426 Views
The Economist, The New York Times, the BBC, sometimes CNN or Fox - 10/02/2010 04:28:13 PM 346 Views
Re: The Economist, The New York Times, the BBC, sometimes CNN or Fox - 10/02/2010 07:09:27 PM 416 Views
I need to learn how to do that. - 11/02/2010 02:16:12 PM 303 Views
Re: Where do you get the majority of your news? - 10/02/2010 05:26:09 PM 410 Views
Re: Where do you get the majority of your news? *NM* - 10/02/2010 06:53:56 PM 124 Views
You need to work on your quote-fu *NM* - 10/02/2010 09:25:30 PM 127 Views
Yeah, I still don't get how to use them. *NM* - 11/02/2010 01:04:50 AM 134 Views
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about... - 11/02/2010 01:52:19 AM 456 Views
*NM* - 11/02/2010 09:27:59 PM 134 Views
Read. And find out. Get it? - 10/02/2010 11:02:22 PM 386 Views
Probably the radio and interwebs - 10/02/2010 11:54:01 PM 399 Views
Newspapers and, wait for it.......Radio!!!! - 11/02/2010 02:42:04 AM 419 Views
Mostly the Age online - 11/02/2010 08:20:10 AM 575 Views
Used to be wotmania; now it's kinda hit and miss. - 11/02/2010 09:23:37 AM 434 Views
From my dad; he knows everything. - 17/02/2010 02:34:30 PM 375 Views

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