Active Users:152 Time:02/06/2024 01:54:02 AM
What's a TCN ? *NM* AgentOrange Send a noteboard - 17/03/2010 06:40:05 PM
I recently finished a four month tour in Qatar doing TCN escort duty, and I must say the experience was an eye opener. The workers are mostly from Nepal or the Philippines and are only there because the economies of their home nations are so bad. Most make between 800 and 1200 Rial a month(1 Rial is equivalent to roughly .27 USD), and are basically indentured servants. The way these guys are viewed by the supervision however, is what is really appalling. I recall a briefing we had by the guy in charge of the security program, who was basically our liason to security forces. He told us that the TCN's were beneath us, and that we shouldn't make the mistake of looking at them like people. Now don't get me wrong I understand the need for security, especially in an area like that, but there comes a point where you cross a line. That line is when you stop viewing them as people, and start treating them like animals. Now thankfully I can say most of the other escorts held my opinion and treated the TCN's with the respect due any human being, but the opinion of that man ran throughout the leadership all the way to the top, and it just re-enforces my choice to get out after my term is up.
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Third Country Nationals working in Qatar - 17/03/2010 06:22:06 PM 628 Views
What's a TCN ? *NM* - 17/03/2010 06:40:05 PM 149 Views
A Third Country National *NM* - 17/03/2010 06:43:51 PM 135 Views
its pretty sad isnt it *NM* - 18/03/2010 01:09:26 AM 133 Views
Okay, but . . . - 18/03/2010 04:55:50 PM 316 Views
Re: Okay, but . . . - 18/03/2010 06:49:48 PM 274 Views

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