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Who filmed the "moon landing"? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 16/04/2010 01:28:11 PM
I was just puttering around on the internet, when a question occured to me. And my co-workers are definitely not the "inquiring minds" types who might have the answer (though they do surprise you sometimes), so I am asking the only other group of people I can communicate with while at work.

We've all seen the video of the man in the space suit climbing down the ladder from the bug-like landing module, but it just occured to me - Who was holding the camera? Is that iconic video & the stills from it really just a film of the SECOND man stepping onto the moon? Was there a pre-placed camera? That strikes me as somehow obnoxious ("No no, Neil. It isn't enough that you have to fly to a physical location that no human being has ever been before, you have LAND DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA TOO!" ) or else anti-climactic ("Yeah, this turns out to be a lot easier than we thought, so we set up a robot-camera for the photo op ahead of time." ).

All in all it makes you wonder.

Speaking of wondering, does anyone else go "uh oh" to themselves when the log on and see that there are pending Noteboard messages? Or is it symptomatic of some other issue peculiar to myself?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Who filmed the "moon landing"? - 16/04/2010 01:28:11 PM 623 Views
I've got more of a "yippee" - 16/04/2010 01:35:54 PM 412 Views
Mel Gibson *NM* - 16/04/2010 02:15:10 PM 191 Views
Yeah, mounted on deployable arm. *NM* - 16/04/2010 03:16:23 PM 189 Views
I don't get noteboard messages anymore. - 16/04/2010 05:30:21 PM 379 Views
as I read your post this is all i could think of... - 16/04/2010 06:04:40 PM 526 Views
Stephen Spielberg *NM* - 16/04/2010 06:26:40 PM 188 Views

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