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From one fanboy to another... badassashaman Send a noteboard - 22/06/2010 01:45:59 PM
So as part of my inherent fanboy-dom, I was checking out the Old Republic's propaganda er ... website. They have this neat little time line sitting there filling you in on the back story.

"Great!" I said, watching each movie with glee and anticipation. And you can't imagine how giddy I was until I watched the bloody movie about Revan and Malak.

I should warn you, I am about to go on a fanboy rant, the likes of which I have not posted here ever before.


They were corrupted by the Sith Emperor?! What the hell? Now, it has been years since I've played KotOR 1 & 2 but if I recall, the entire plot behind KotOR was that:

1) Mandalorians get all uppity and start fights.
2) Republic gets pwned.
3) Revan shows up and kicks the Mandalorians out.
4) Revan returns as a conqueror preparing for the inevitable invasion from the Unknown Regions.
5) Actual game begins here!

And in KotOR2 he goes off to go deal with the threat from the Unknown Regions (The True Sith) and everyone and their cat is completely clueless as to what he's facing and trying to do.

So what the heck is Bioware doing!? Are they purposefully ignoring established cannon? Or did I and everyone at wookiepedia completely miss the point to the first game?

I'd like to know how Mr. Fancy Pants Jedi Historian figured this out since 1) He didn't go with Revan and Malak and 2) Anyone that would know is dead! Well, HK-47 is probably still out there. Or at least he better be.

<Calming breaths>

This is my interpretation:

The Jedi Historian is speculating. Just like he did in the entry about the Sith infiltrators. That's what historians do.

BUT, if you want to try to make it mesh with KOTOR 1 & 2...

Revan did completely disappear for a little while after the Mandalorian Wars. He went into the Unknown Regions to get the Star Forge and fire it up, thus making his armada. Kotor 1 is all about retracing his steps to discover the location of the Star Forge. That being said, there is a small window of time (pre-star forge, post mandalorian wars) where he could have encountered the Sith on Dromund Kass and been... umm... influenced... by them.

In Kotor 2, they do make a big deal about how Revan "remembered" something from his wanderings before the Jedi Civil War that made him feel the need to venture off (by himself?) and face whatever it was he remembered... thus establishing some big evil lurking out there the whole time, which Bioware is now claiming to be the Sith Empire that they're developing for the Old Republic.

The problem is this:

Jedi Historian Guy says that the Sith Emperor told Revan where the Star Forge was in order to speed up the Emperor's plans for war. That doesn't mesh with what us Kotor fans know from game 1. Revan *found* the Star Forge by piecing together the map to it from various worlds.

And yes, you have every right to be pissed off about it.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic Timeline - 18/06/2010 12:06:16 AM 636 Views
From one fanboy to another... - 22/06/2010 01:45:59 PM 457 Views

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