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Re: patience is rewarded Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 05/05/2011 07:31:01 PM
and that's why it feels special when you find the crazy cleric +2 hammer of awesomeness and probably keep it till the end, unlike when you find it again in BG2 and it's not as good as the weapons you already have and it's either only good for gold to save up for some +6 monstrosity or simply leaving it behind.

Shadows of Amn has a Holy Avenger. You spend your entire career as a Paladin hoping to obtain one of those . It also has a sentient weapon and a Vorpal Sword. And you don't buy any of them, obviously.

again i'll have to point back to idea that you're rewarded for exploring.

Which is like saying that the original Final Fantasy for the NES rewards you for killing monsters, it doesn't change the fact that said exploration is an exercise is grinding.

also i think there's enough in the shops and on the main quest line to equip your party well. i don't remember there being any earth shattering from an obscure side quest

You're really not going to get the money to buy anything at the shops unless you're completing these quests and looting the random bandits and bounty hunters hiding out in the wilderness though. As for the useful items that can't be found elsewhere, every stat tome and the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise are some of the unmissables found in the wilderness. But there's a ton more than that, things that you might eventually replace, like Rings of Protection or +1 weapons and armour, and even unique stuff like the +2 Shortsword or +1 Two-handed sword.

well like i said i think the fact that there isn't something amazing every hundred yards that makes it interesting and the effort you have to put in to find something makes it better, just my opinion. and see above about talking to people, which in fairness you did say you do and i think there's enough in those rumours to find the better wilderness encounters.

I get the opposite reaction. The fact that you should expect to encounter quests and loot while randomly trekking through the wilderness makes it feel unrealistic, and the need to methodically cover the whole map to do so makes it irritating.

in BG2 everything is handed to you on a plate. copper coronet, people seeking you out etc. though that perhaps is the nature of the series. in BG after all you're a nobody you aren't going to be asked to slay dragons because you'll get smushed! you've got more of a reputation in BG2

What is it with you people and slaying dragons? I say that it's ridiculous that you have to waste your time walking over unexplored area in a square pattern fighting random encounters for your experience and loot, and you reply with it making sense not to be asked to slay dragons. Are those the other two possibilities?

as i said, patience is rewarded. you can't have it all, it's quite typical of RPGs for mages to start weak, take longer to level but then be awesome at higher levels. you have to again put that effort in to get the most out of them. you have magic missle, acid arrow, fireball and a couple of useful defensive spells at a low level. you aren't going to raining heaven from the skies for pete's sake!

Yeah, but the higher levels are in the sequel .

thieves level quickly, warriors steadily and mages slowly, it's known. and if you want identify...get a bard! bards are brilliant. actually in one playthrough i levelled a warrior to 4 then dual classed him to mage=high HP mage that swings a sword well and when out of spells puts on some was awesome!

I think that's actually the munchkin-approved build . Fighter to as high level as you can without risking experience capping yourself, then dual class to mage.

Incidentally, I've now been reminded of how ridiculous second edition multiclassing was .

as i said before, in BG you're a nobody who's only really good (in people's opinion) for fetching and carrying. the quests become much more involved when you've made a bit of a name for youself when you reach the city of Baldur's Gate

So? That doesn't mean you should be forced to waste your time walking in concentric squares to find experience and loot in the wilderness. Baldur's Gate has multiple quests that make more sense, or have more purpose to them, so obviously it can be done.

but i think that BG has more merit than you credit it for and i think that it's still a better game than BG2 and i love to chat on about baldur's gate

Man, I haven't had the opportunity to discuss Baldur's Gate in years. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned it pretty clearly goes Shadows of Amn > Baldur's Gate > Throne of Bhaal. Throne of Bhaal was a disappointment, really. Railroaded plot, no exploration, the lamest and most obvious villain in the series...

Baldur's Gate was awesome, except for the monotonous grinding. Tales of the Sword Coast was actually interesting, but since it didn't actually fit in with the main plot, I wasn't sure where to place it.
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So I gotta know if this is happening to anyone else... - 30/04/2011 01:22:24 AM 783 Views
I pretty much just hear... - 30/04/2011 07:57:10 AM 495 Views
you must gather your party before venturing forth - 30/04/2011 10:16:34 AM 449 Views
"Build more burrows." *NM* - 30/04/2011 11:28:59 PM 239 Views
To me, yes, but then I'm currently playing it, so not as odd. - 01/05/2011 12:25:17 AM 431 Views
live by the sword live a good long time! - 01/05/2011 01:30:21 AM 540 Views
Xzar!!! - 01/05/2011 04:21:18 AM 450 Views
I've never played the first one - sounds like there are some good lines there too. *NM* - 01/05/2011 09:44:48 PM 216 Views could you play the follow-ups without playing the first one? - 02/05/2011 01:18:12 AM 432 Views
I never played BG1 and still REALLY enjoyed BG2. The story seemed a clean enough break to "get it." - 02/05/2011 01:14:23 PM 393 Views
i really recommend going back and playing BG1 then - 02/05/2011 04:19:21 PM 468 Views
Yeah, exactly... I don't really feel the loss. - 02/05/2011 10:50:04 PM 520 Views
BG1>BG2>tob - 03/05/2011 09:37:31 AM 498 Views
You have more characters, but they don't participate as much. - 03/05/2011 11:36:28 PM 445 Views
I certainly agree that SoA > ToB. - 04/05/2011 09:45:15 PM 438 Views
to put it simply, you're wrong about the gameplay. - 03/05/2011 01:42:10 PM 490 Views
hi 5* *NM* - 03/05/2011 02:16:17 PM 315 Views
BG was AD&D 2.0 and BGII was 2.5, right? *NM* - 03/05/2011 02:23:06 PM 206 Views
I believe so. Regardless, it doesn't really change much. - 03/05/2011 04:19:46 PM 417 Views
Baldur's Gate requires level grinding though. - 03/05/2011 11:47:30 PM 681 Views
you don't grind - 04/05/2011 08:36:12 AM 518 Views
Depends on your perspective I guess. - 04/05/2011 06:49:52 PM 482 Views
patience is rewarded - 05/05/2011 09:54:15 AM 510 Views
Re: patience is rewarded - 05/05/2011 07:31:01 PM 378 Views
so does every game, honestly. LIFE is level grinding. - 04/05/2011 10:15:26 AM 488 Views
No. Specifically, I was commenting on Baldur's Gate compared to Shadows of Amn. - 04/05/2011 07:04:55 PM 516 Views
I wasn't aware you were specifically comaring BG to SoA. - 04/05/2011 07:43:32 PM 416 Views
Ah, sorry then. Yes, it was in reply to the improvements of BG2 to BG1. - 05/05/2011 12:45:55 AM 476 Views
Re: Ah, sorry then. Yes, it was in reply to the improvements of BG2 to BG1. - 05/05/2011 01:16:04 AM 441 Views
Re: Ah, sorry then. Yes, it was in reply to the improvements of BG2 to BG1. - 05/05/2011 02:41:11 AM 486 Views
Re: Ah, sorry then. Yes, it was in reply to the improvements of BG2 to BG1. - 05/05/2011 03:16:08 AM 437 Views
Apparently the archaeologist thing even happens twice, then... - 05/05/2011 08:45:59 PM 439 Views
Diablo 1 is vastly superior to Diablo 2. Just saying. *NM* - 03/05/2011 02:22:44 PM 337 Views
As I said I haven't played the former, but I really rather doubt it. *NM* - 03/05/2011 10:22:07 PM 214 Views
Diablo 1 wins in the story and atmosphere department. - 03/05/2011 10:37:30 PM 469 Views
If you thought they both had a terrible gameplay... - 04/05/2011 09:41:46 PM 455 Views
Because they're addicting and I'm exaggerating. I have completed both. - 04/05/2011 10:04:40 PM 437 Views

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