Active Users:315 Time:15/05/2024 04:19:09 PM
That ending took effort. - Edit 1

Before modification by AliasRY at 26/03/2012 11:57:11 AM

I just finished the game and at the end, I was thinking, that's it? It takes effort to almost blot out 100+ hours of game time over five years in the last ten minutes. And those last ten minutes almost do that.

My biggest beef with that ending is that it's thematically incompatible with the rest of ME3, let alone the first two games. Even if we assume the indoctrination theory is true (which I don't), you can't really pull that kind of stunt in the ME universe. I expect space opera from my space opera, not 2001: A Space Odyssey mashed up with Neo meets the Architect from the Matrix.

I am not really sure if any DLC patch can ever fix such a 'broken' ending, unless they completely retcon it or incorporate the indoctrination theory in to the game. Even then, I really don't know how good they can make it. This is such a letdown.

(This is not to say that I didn't enjoy the game, I did. However, those last ten minutes are not disappearing from my memory any time soon.)

EDIT: So burnt out by that ending that I went and bought The Force Unleashed. I hear it has a decent story, and I need some good space opera to forget about ME.

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