Active Users:250 Time:12/05/2024 09:29:38 PM
The biggest issues I see right now are bandwith caps & speed. - Edit 2

Before modification by Zalis at 30/05/2012 09:46:55 PM

Wouldn't you be using exponentially more bandwidth to stream your gameplay than you currently do with a traditional setup? Caps aren't too bad here in the U.S., but even a regular amount of Netflix-ing can make you hit your 250GB Comcast cap. Just think of how that will go down in more restrictive regions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've heard that much of Europe has faster speeds, but lower caps?

Also, my gripe with cloudy services like OnLive is that 720p streaming quality still sucks when compared to what my computer can run at 1080p (or even 1680x1050). And let's be real here -- my computer is running CPU technology from 2008, so the cloud isn't saving me from much heavy lifting. Give it a major generational leap, like Unreal 4, and we might be talking, but it's just not attractive with the current industry state.

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