Active Users:304 Time:02/05/2024 02:20:20 PM
also, i found this article that may interest you as to why some of us love AC2+ - Edit 2

Before modification by LadyLorraine at 26/06/2012 11:39:46 AM

it also discusses some flaws and debate regarding the upcoming AC3, but that's not why I'm linking it to you :P There's a good chunk of it that explains why people love AC2 and, specifically, Ezio.

For the record, I don't really agree with his central point regarding Desmond's plotline being the main plotline. I have always felt like Desmond's plotline existed solely as the platform and "Reason" for the other stories, and has grown slowly into it's own story. The author of this article clearly has a different view as to how "main plotline" Desmond's story is, and thus we interpret the slow pace differently. I absolutely agree with him that I don't think the developers really knew what they were going to do with Desmond, but I think this is because Desmond wasn't really The Point. Given that his plotline will be concluding in AC3, I expect it will be much better and play a much stronger role in this last episode...but considering I get to kill Redcoats with a Tomahawk, I don't think I'll care too much unless they make Desmond's story truly BAD. But, the author of the article does make some good points, and I don't really disagree with him in general. I will be rather disappointed with Ubisoft in general if they make up a bunch of bullshit loopholes in their story just to roll off a bunch more Assassin's Creed games. As much as I love them, I don't think I'm going to be too much more interested past 4 games and I don't appreciate when people try to milk too much out of a good thing. It ruins the cream.

R.A. Salvatore, I'm looking at YOU.

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