Active Users:190 Time:19/05/2024 04:56:50 PM
I played two games of DOTA 2 and bounced off. it's not a very accessible game. - Edit 1

Before modification by lord-of-shadow at 21/09/2012 03:32:53 PM

I found the store UI very confusing, and the game kept a lot of the crappy inaccessible gameplay dynamics from DOTA that really only existed because of limitations in Warcraft 3 and then rabid elitist fanboys (last-hitting, denying towers, the fact that item upgrades require you to buy a and manage a useless "recipe" inventory item" ). It was like a time machine back to the days of DOTA1, without any of the improvements that the genre has seen.

And this is coming from someone who has logged hundreds of hours into League of Legends and DOTA 1: the game was too inaccessible for me, had too high of a barrier of entry, and wasn't worth the effort it would take to be able to compete.

And of course, the community was full of complete jackasses, but that's the norm for the genre, so I was used to it.

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