Active Users:332 Time:02/05/2024 11:00:17 AM
Praz summed it up pretty well. - Edit 1

Before modification by Zalis at 18/03/2013 02:17:44 PM

The whole MOBA/ARTS/Lane-Pushing/nerdrage genre was mystifying to me until I tried DotA 2.

I highly, highly, highly recommend playing your first game with a RL or online friend who can voice chat you through the basics. A buddy of mine did that for me, and it really helped.

Praz was right that it focuses on managing your specific hero to accomplish your team's goals. So, basically, the better you know how your hero works, the better you'll do. Along with that, the better you know your teammates and opponents' heroes, the better you understand what kind of role you need to play.

It is a bit overwhelming at first, and I never though I'd like the genre. However, I started feeling good about the game after my first week or two of occasionally playing. Now that I've been playing for 3+ months, I'm not even interested in the SC2 expansion. It fills my RTS need by being both free and fun. Yeah, there are dropped items and unlockables, but they're 100% cosmetic and yield no gameplay advantages.

I'm also fond of the fact that Valve is developing it, as we know their record for regular updates and incorporating community involvement. If creative players can make money off of people buying silly cosmetic items, I can't bear any ill will toward Valve. It's just smart business.

Lastly, while it's still in "beta" and invite-only, you'll find that it feels like a finished game. The beta is there because they're still adding in some content from the original dota, polishing some of the artwork, and balancing some gameplay details that won't make sense to a new player quite yet.

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