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Journal: Entry for kazetaran

Update 4

Author: kazetaran Send a noteboard

Posted: 21/04/2017 04:30:20 PM

Views: 17330

DIet going well still. I am 2 inches less on hips and 2 inches less on waist. Yay! I'm down 22 lbs in 6 weeks which is good. But the last couple weeks it has been slow going. I'm going back to basics to see if I can restart the weight loss again. The inflammation is still under control. Shark week this month was rough. I wasn't used to the pain like that, and I got a migraine. That sucks. Energy is good. And we are all doing better right now in our grief waves. being so far removed from family for so long it is hard for us to remember that we can't just pick up the phone and continue our conversations. We are planning to move back to Dallas/Fort Worth when Adam retires in a few years from being a badass submariner. I'm sure we will feel the difference then very keenly. And through all the visits back and forth. Keto on fellow RAFOnauts! RAFOnians! RAFOists? RAFOans?

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