Nebhead Send a noteboard

Personal Info
Real name:
Ben Murdoch-Smith
United Kingdom
Contact Info
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Amazon Wishlist:
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Date joined:
Aug. 27, 2009
Recent Comments
- This is still happening, I just need to find the time to do something... (13/08/2024)
- I don't, unfortunately (06/02/2024)
- Could you send me a copy? (31/01/2024)
- Remembering WoTmania... (30/01/2024)
- Someone is hammering the site - could you not? (25/01/2024)
Recent Journal Entries
- A Tale of Terror: The FrankenSite! (31/08/2009)
Other Information
/} Proudly Bonded to Alexia /}
/) Proudly Bonded to Rana Sedai /)
{D Mierrisenne Sedai - MIA {D
I have met the following 118 wotmaniacs (some of which are now also RAFOnauts!) in RealLife!
Kat (Kathryn Sedai) x3
Erica (Tardaad Maiden) x4
Gareth (Jarlaxle) x3
Quentin (Cupid) x2
Steph (elfin_princess) x2
Geoff (Geoff) x2
Betty (Spettio)
Chris (DragonForever) x2
Rana (RanaSedai) x3
Kiera (DarkChick)
Caroline (LanfearUK)
Silje (Rinoa) x manymany
Tim (Eyeless Myrddraal) x many
Carol (carolidge)
Stefan (netweaver)
Doriah (Icyrain)
Katja (Katja)
Sophy (Ann-Sophie) x2
Emma (Queen of Borg) x2
Katinka (Fluxia Sedai) x2
Jennifer (morgawse_sedai) x3
Sjoerd (an_hava_inn)
Durk (Shreever)
Tom (Thomas Gaidin) x3
Yvonne (Chibiyali)
Helene (Lilitoe) x2
Kim (PlastBox )
Frank (ponder stibbons) x3
John (Master Qui John) x2
Amy (Amyrlin)
Chuck Ashaman (Chuck)
Jason (Mystery Gaidin) x3
Misty (Lady Mystery) x3
Charlie (Peanut - Baby Mystery) x3
Pamela (Midnight Mystery)
Sheila (Kitara) x3
Nicholas (Gokwuu) x3
Sarah (GummyGum) x3
Kelly (Palatine) x3
Willem (Birdeye)
Cory (Zaphod)
Josh (Starbolt)
Claire (Anonymous Sedai) x2
Craig (Craig)
Missa (Missa Sedai) x many
Maddy (M & M Maddy) x many
Joe (Marl)
John (Wooly) x3
Stephanie (Mother of Pearl)
Dave (Dave The Cripple)
Laura (laura09)
Beki (Mary Jane) x3
Mike (wotmania)
Cheryl (Rhapsody)
Gabe (boo)
Dori (Dorinde Sedai)
Doug (Kurrurrin)
Betty (B.Alicia) x2
Ryan (Edgecutioner)
SK (SynEve)
Steffi (eolair)
Jack (TaskMasterJack)
Susan (Sassy486)
Adrian (Laurana Sedai)
Rod (dart board)
Chris (WolfWind)
Rosie (Zeeb Sedai) x many
John (p hart)
Rachel (TheMonkeyThatCried) x many
Nick (Durandir)
Priya (Messy)
John (Snoopster) x many
Olof (Floffe) x4
Gloria (globug0822) x2
Kiffiny (Jaena)
Stephen (millsforrester)
Greg (Sol) x2
Jessie (IamFarDareisMai)
Tom (Roonas)
Mary (Sprite Sedai) x many
Jens (ironclad) x4
Lena (Hethien Zajc) x2
Jonte (jh)
Nick (Shen an Calhar) x2
Richard (Dodge.) x many
Simon (jiggy) x many
Lucy (Gleegirl) x2
Amy (Ella) x4
Tom (Kucumber Joe) x many
Beckah (Aloysius) x many
Gena (Gena Sedai) x2
Tom (The Voice of Lews Therin)
Elaine (Elaine) x3
Dan (Dannyboy31) x3
Anastasia (Anastasia / Nephtis) x2
Brian (AncientSage)
Rebecca (StarBecca) x2
Geritt (Wenrick)
Sylvia (Danu)
Eric (MrFarstrider)
Josh (Heartbreak)
Klynt (Mordred)
Rohini (Danae al'Thor) x many
Monique (patternweaver) x many
Patrick (yoduff) x2
Steph (Alexia)
Mark (Hochopepa) x2
Camilla (©amilla) x many
Camilla (Sansa)
Tom (DragonTam) x many
Tor (kikkoman) x many
Angie (Clover)
Paul (Legolas)
Marc (Saidin7)
Jen (Nossy)
Oskar (Lews_TherinThelamon)
Holder of Many Memories
Keeper of Chats WetTrout™
Bearer of the Flag of Nebhead Reborn™
Inventor of ExtremeHugs™
Producing Ideas since 1984
/} Proudly Bonded to Alexia /}
/) Proudly Bonded to Rana Sedai /)
{D Mierrisenne Sedai - MIA {D
I have met the following 118 wotmaniacs (some of which are now also RAFOnauts!) in RealLife!
Kat (Kathryn Sedai) x3
Erica (Tardaad Maiden) x4
Gareth (Jarlaxle) x3
Quentin (Cupid) x2
Steph (elfin_princess) x2
Geoff (Geoff) x2
Betty (Spettio)
Chris (DragonForever) x2
Rana (RanaSedai) x3
Kiera (DarkChick)
Caroline (LanfearUK)
Silje (Rinoa) x manymany
Tim (Eyeless Myrddraal) x many
Carol (carolidge)
Stefan (netweaver)
Doriah (Icyrain)
Katja (Katja)
Sophy (Ann-Sophie) x2
Emma (Queen of Borg) x2
Katinka (Fluxia Sedai) x2
Jennifer (morgawse_sedai) x3
Sjoerd (an_hava_inn)
Durk (Shreever)
Tom (Thomas Gaidin) x3
Yvonne (Chibiyali)
Helene (Lilitoe) x2
Kim (PlastBox )
Frank (ponder stibbons) x3
John (Master Qui John) x2
Amy (Amyrlin)
Chuck Ashaman (Chuck)
Jason (Mystery Gaidin) x3
Misty (Lady Mystery) x3
Charlie (Peanut - Baby Mystery) x3
Pamela (Midnight Mystery)
Sheila (Kitara) x3
Nicholas (Gokwuu) x3
Sarah (GummyGum) x3
Kelly (Palatine) x3
Willem (Birdeye)
Cory (Zaphod)
Josh (Starbolt)
Claire (Anonymous Sedai) x2
Craig (Craig)
Missa (Missa Sedai) x many
Maddy (M & M Maddy) x many
Joe (Marl)
John (Wooly) x3
Stephanie (Mother of Pearl)
Dave (Dave The Cripple)
Laura (laura09)
Beki (Mary Jane) x3
Mike (wotmania)
Cheryl (Rhapsody)
Gabe (boo)
Dori (Dorinde Sedai)
Doug (Kurrurrin)
Betty (B.Alicia) x2
Ryan (Edgecutioner)
SK (SynEve)
Steffi (eolair)
Jack (TaskMasterJack)
Susan (Sassy486)
Adrian (Laurana Sedai)
Rod (dart board)
Chris (WolfWind)
Rosie (Zeeb Sedai) x many
John (p hart)
Rachel (TheMonkeyThatCried) x many
Nick (Durandir)
Priya (Messy)
John (Snoopster) x many
Olof (Floffe) x4
Gloria (globug0822) x2
Kiffiny (Jaena)
Stephen (millsforrester)
Greg (Sol) x2
Jessie (IamFarDareisMai)
Tom (Roonas)
Mary (Sprite Sedai) x many
Jens (ironclad) x4
Lena (Hethien Zajc) x2
Jonte (jh)
Nick (Shen an Calhar) x2
Richard (Dodge.) x many
Simon (jiggy) x many
Lucy (Gleegirl) x2
Amy (Ella) x4
Tom (Kucumber Joe) x many
Beckah (Aloysius) x many
Gena (Gena Sedai) x2
Tom (The Voice of Lews Therin)
Elaine (Elaine) x3
Dan (Dannyboy31) x3
Anastasia (Anastasia / Nephtis) x2
Brian (AncientSage)
Rebecca (StarBecca) x2
Geritt (Wenrick)
Sylvia (Danu)
Eric (MrFarstrider)
Josh (Heartbreak)
Klynt (Mordred)
Rohini (Danae al'Thor) x many
Monique (patternweaver) x many
Patrick (yoduff) x2
Steph (Alexia)
Mark (Hochopepa) x2
Camilla (©amilla) x many
Camilla (Sansa)
Tom (DragonTam) x many
Tor (kikkoman) x many
Angie (Clover)
Paul (Legolas)
Marc (Saidin7)
Jen (Nossy)
Oskar (Lews_TherinThelamon)
Holder of Many Memories
Keeper of Chats WetTrout™
Bearer of the Flag of Nebhead Reborn™
Inventor of ExtremeHugs™
Producing Ideas since 1984