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Re: I like him more and more. Camilla Send a noteboard - 23/04/2010 11:19:36 AM
I don't know this Star Trek of which you speak, but Matt Smith is getting steadily better.

The Tardis is fine by me. It has had trouble with the time controls and all the rest all through its history, so that is not such a great surprise. Why does it bother you?

It bothers me because, when they go forward in time in the second episode, you're shown the little flip-over clock thingy flipping faster and faster. I didn't see anything that denoted years, months, or days, but I saw that, and it was flipping pretty damn fast. But, since the TARDIS has regenerated by the end of the first episode, he didn't notice that the clock was flipping madly for two years worth of a twelve hour clock?

But, I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

Also, in case you're not joking, and you've not seen DS9, check the link.

What am I supposed to be joking about? I don't get it.
structured procrastinator
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I'm sorry, but I just have to ask this... - 19/04/2010 10:42:23 AM 681 Views
I dislike its Steampunk interior. - 19/04/2010 12:35:21 PM 377 Views
Re: I dislike its Steampunk interior. - 19/04/2010 06:08:26 PM 429 Views
I don't know but perhaps if we think hard enough, the two of us, - 20/04/2010 03:26:35 AM 387 Views
his feature do have a certain undefined caste to them - 19/04/2010 06:45:06 PM 361 Views
He is actually doing rather well so far. - 19/04/2010 07:18:58 PM 375 Views
Two parter! *NM* - 20/04/2010 03:26:58 AM 168 Views
I like him quite a bit actually - 19/04/2010 07:39:05 PM 362 Views
I like him more and more. - 20/04/2010 08:37:45 PM 377 Views
Re: I like him more and more. - 22/04/2010 04:43:05 AM 539 Views
Re: I like him more and more. - 23/04/2010 11:19:36 AM 334 Views
That you don't know Star Trek... - 23/04/2010 11:28:05 AM 377 Views
Re: That you don't know Star Trek... - 23/04/2010 11:30:12 AM 348 Views
Not even The Next Genertion? - 23/04/2010 11:32:34 AM 370 Views
Re: Not even The Next Genertion? - 23/04/2010 11:47:09 AM 372 Views
I like her much more than Sisko - 24/04/2010 11:35:32 PM 350 Views
I wouldn't be surprised if it's less to do with the new TARDIS "bedding down" and more... - 21/04/2010 11:04:02 PM 370 Views
They show more than one room, now? - 22/04/2010 04:35:14 AM 422 Views
No, but... - 22/04/2010 10:40:57 AM 436 Views
Ah, I didn't notice that - 23/04/2010 09:56:04 AM 353 Views
The wardrobe's seen when Tennant's searching for his own clothes too. - 24/04/2010 10:48:08 PM 465 Views
Yeah, I just noticed that yesterday. "Watching" the commentary - 24/04/2010 11:30:50 PM 346 Views

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