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The "mysterious music box" explained DomA Send a noteboard - 07/05/2010 01:00:45 PM
When Jack and Claire look in the mirror on Claires box their reflections were way off. Jack had longer hair and Claires hair was a bit crazy like her hair on the island. If you look closely the mirror reflected not themselves but their island selves. It was wierd. Nobody noticed that?

No, even on rewatch I didn't see that.

But the box isn't mysterious or magical (the mirror motif is everywhere in the Sideways, it's just one more instance).

Here's the explanation: Christian used to visit Claire and her mom while she was little, and he used to sing "to catch a falling star" to her. Claire has mentionned this before (at one point she asked for this song to be sung to her baby as she wouldn't be there to raise him - I think it was in the scene when she was negotiating the adoption of Aaron with the parents at a lawyer's office).

Unlike the original Claire, who met Christian while her mom was dying - and he told her he used to come and sing her songs when she was little - sideways Claire never met him as an adult. That's why she can't connect Christian to the song (at least for now - maybe she'll connect the dots later) or know why he left her a music box that plays the song he used to sing to her.

It also looks like the writers picked a music box specifically as an additional parallel between Claire and Rousseau, who also had a music box playing a song she used to sing (or play) to Alex (can't recall what it played... I remember Rousseau wrote lines from Trenet's "La Mer" on the map that Shannon recognized, but I don't recall if it's the same song the box played). It had been broken for years until Sayid fixed it for her in season 1.
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Lost 6.14: The candidate *spoilers* - 05/05/2010 09:01:43 AM 965 Views
Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 10:30:45 AM 509 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 06:28:55 PM 614 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 05/05/2010 07:55:33 PM 551 Views
Re: Summary of "Across the sea" sneak peak - 07/05/2010 04:24:20 PM 680 Views
Where ARE Ben & co, anyway? - 08/05/2010 12:28:43 PM 457 Views
Re: Where ARE Ben & co, anyway? - 10/05/2010 04:28:55 AM 438 Views
I found that preview on Youtube - 06/05/2010 05:43:14 AM 727 Views
Oh wow! - 06/05/2010 08:55:15 AM 506 Views
Terrific episode! - 05/05/2010 04:11:06 PM 562 Views
Jack wouldn't have been on the plane. - 05/05/2010 05:58:54 PM 504 Views
Re: Jack wouldn't have been on the plane. - 05/05/2010 06:51:48 PM 535 Views
dude... - 05/05/2010 06:22:06 PM 488 Views
Re: Terrific episode! - 05/05/2010 07:51:01 PM 568 Views
I thought Locke planted the bomb on the plane. - 06/05/2010 05:45:52 AM 510 Views
It is supicous that he ripped the watch off of the guards body before entering the plane *NM* - 06/05/2010 10:21:15 AM 215 Views
True - 06/05/2010 10:50:52 AM 447 Views
I am so emo about the loss of Sun & Jin... - 05/05/2010 05:25:38 PM 524 Views
me too. - 05/05/2010 06:19:56 PM 529 Views
I am not handling this business of - 05/05/2010 08:20:46 PM 625 Views
aww, there, there - 05/05/2010 09:02:35 PM 558 Views
Re: I am not handling this business of - 06/05/2010 03:23:32 AM 496 Views
lol oh that star! *NM* - 06/05/2010 08:51:45 AM 196 Views
No. Way. Just, no way. - 06/05/2010 03:11:22 AM 515 Views
Frank - 06/05/2010 09:12:20 AM 478 Views
I am glad the show is ending and Jack is not the next Jacob IMHO. - 06/05/2010 03:58:21 AM 452 Views
I was thinking the same thing. *NM* - 06/05/2010 03:07:42 PM 215 Views
A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 05:31:06 AM 515 Views
Re: A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 09:15:02 AM 486 Views
Re: A few things i noticed. - 06/05/2010 05:13:21 PM 500 Views
You're laying this one on SAWYER? Jack & Jin were the episode's jerks. - 06/05/2010 02:31:37 PM 518 Views
Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 07/05/2010 03:20:00 AM 545 Views
Re: Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 07/05/2010 02:28:07 PM 578 Views
Re: Jerks? Um, no. Fools, yes. - 08/05/2010 12:19:32 PM 549 Views
Re: Agreed! - 08/05/2010 02:30:15 AM 511 Views
The "mysterious music box" explained - 07/05/2010 01:00:45 PM 524 Views
... my crackpot theory is ... - 08/05/2010 08:19:02 AM 460 Views

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