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What is the deal with this "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" business? - Edit 1

Before modification by Cannoli at 01/07/2010 02:35:04 PM

I was under the impression that the books resolved that particular triangle for good. EDWARD WINS, all you Twilight fans who are more illiterate than normal! I think. I also heard she dies and gets reborn and the injun gets her second time around.

But anyway, if it is resolved, why are people still rooting and taking sides? When the teams confront each other in groups have their dance-offs and slap-fights, do the Edwardians mock the Jacobins for backing a loser and the Jacobins resent the Edwardians because it's true and get worked up and maybe bite and kick too? (Or the other way around if I've got the winner wrong)

If WoT fans went around identifying themselves as part of Team Elayne or Team Aviendha or Sad Pathetic Cat Ladies Who Identify Themselves With Min we would be stupid as well, but at least an argument could be made that our quadrangle has not yet been settled. Or do Twilight fans think the next time they read them, the books will turn out differently? Or maybe they believe the people are real, and if enough Jacobins express their support publicly and in various fora, they will change Bella's mind, while the Edwardians seek to reassure her they made the right choice?

Can anyone clarify this issue?

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