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I hope it will do well.... dacole Send a noteboard - 13/07/2010 08:37:45 PM
But though the people who always complain about movies not being intelligent enough are loud they are not a majority...still I will definitely be going to see it as it does look very very good. Have to get over my Dicraprio hatred but...the guy can act incredibly well, so have done that...somewhat...

The early reviews of Inception all praised its complexity and smart ideas, but warned it might be too smart for dumb moviegoers. Now some people are starting to wonder if it'll make back its reported $200 million budget.

Science fiction writer Jason Sanford puts it right out there:

This film will be a major flop at the box office... My prediction is that this will be a good SF film which the critics will love, but which doesn't find a large audience because of its subject matter. Since Christopher Nolan is still Hollywood's golden boy and is working on another Batman movie, studios will overlook losing their shirts on this film. But that won't change the fact that Inception will be a flop.

Reviewers have already been comparing it to Blade Runner — and raising the possibility that it might have a similar track at the box office to Ridley Scott's masterpiece, which only gained appreciation after it was in theaters.

And then there's this post at Writer Peter Hall says that after seeing Inception, he doesn't think it's too smart for audiences. Nolan does a great job of making his complex, head-spinning, layered ideas comprehensible. But then he adds:

After seeing Inception, though, I had a conversation that blew my mind more than the movie did. A friend from my old hometown was asking what I was up to. I told him I had just gotten back from a screening of Inception. His response? "What's Inception?" It boggled my mind that he didn't know. I wanted to shove his face in the trailer like he had done something wrong, like he was a pet who had gone to the bathroom on the living room rug.
Eventually once I talked him through it, once I explained that it was the new movie from the guy who made The Dark Knight and that it starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Joesph Gordon Levitt, he recalled vaguely knowing what it was, but he had no clue what it was about. The last part didn't stand out to me - before seeing it myself I vaguely knew what it was about, but that's because I had avoided everything since the first theatrical trailer for the film - but I was kind of stunned that someone like him, a geek who is definitely more into movies that Joe Facebook, didn't instantly register that Inception was the new movie from The Dark Knight guy starring DiCaprio.

I'm getting a bit of a sinking feeling here.

I am not (yet). There are always so many people complaining about the lack of intelligent, original storytelling in today's cinema. Well, here's your chance, go see this then!
The trailer looks fantastic and the first reviews are loving it. This is certainly the film I am looking forward to the most this summer. Sadly, I have to wait two more weeks. It's coming out this weekend in the US.

<a href=""> Inception - Trailer</a>
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Will Inception be Chris Nolan's first flop? - 13/07/2010 08:29:59 PM 746 Views
I hope it will do well.... - 13/07/2010 08:37:45 PM 384 Views
One of the few movies out that deserves my $10.50. *NM* - 13/07/2010 08:42:16 PM 130 Views
You've seen it? - 13/07/2010 09:28:52 PM 321 Views
My initial suspicion is that, yes, it will be a good film with poor box office. - 13/07/2010 09:42:18 PM 341 Views
$60 million dollar opening weekend. Glad I was wrong about this one. *NM* - 19/07/2010 01:19:49 AM 129 Views
Yup, pretty much everyone I know is going to see it. - 19/07/2010 02:24:41 AM 315 Views
Excellent - 19/07/2010 12:17:50 PM 331 Views
flop or not, I'll be going opening weekend *NM* - 14/07/2010 08:12:58 AM 129 Views
My wife is taking me to dinner and this movie for my birthday this weekend - 14/07/2010 06:01:36 PM 286 Views
My friend and I tried to go see it last weekend. - 14/07/2010 10:54:47 PM 300 Views
I wish I was more excited about this movie. - 15/07/2010 03:09:22 AM 410 Views
Dreamscape with Dennis Quaid *NM* - 15/07/2010 08:05:04 AM 124 Views
Yep! *NM* - 15/07/2010 11:27:06 PM 135 Views
$60M opening weekend *NM* - 19/07/2010 05:06:16 PM 122 Views
No. *NM* - 26/07/2010 12:45:20 PM 231 Views

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