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Top Chef: Just Desserts - "The red hots are for my mommmeeeeee!" *spoilers* LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 24/09/2010 02:14:01 AM
God damn it, why couldn't they have sent Seth home? A faker psycho, what a combination. I don't think he was totally faking, but he definitely was playing things up.

Oh lord have mercy. I thought was going to pass out from laughing when he was clutching Elizabeth Faulkner and screeching, "The red hots are for my mommy!" Yet, when he was talking to his mother on the phone, he was very curt and monotone with her. Like he could only be bothered to do this because it was being filmed. I got zero connection and concern from him. Then he screws up his dish and all of a sudden it was about his sick mother. I guess everyone else should just do the right thing and give him the win now.

And, he's a complete jerk in lots of other ways, too. He may not have meant to knock Zac's chocolate off, but he totally did do it and then denied it. Booshee! Zac was annoying as hell last week, but he really was much more likeable this week.

I want him off my screen now, though! Ugh. I'd be scared to sleep in the same house as him. Dude definitely brings the cray cray. Anyway, enough about him.

That winning dessert sure looked good. And I loved how Erika cut the dome in half when she saw she didn't have enough. I think it looked better that way, anyway. Glad she won.

Tim so did not deserve to go home. They kept raving about his flavor profiles, but he had an execution error. Totally should have been Seth or Malika.

Anyway. Off to dream of some of those desserts. I'd totally eat most of that stuff UP!
"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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Top Chef: Just Desserts - "The red hots are for my mommmeeeeee!" *spoilers* - 24/09/2010 02:14:01 AM 437 Views
I fell in love with Zac a little bit in the first ep. - 24/09/2010 02:13:50 PM 365 Views
Well, hurry up then! - 24/09/2010 05:54:20 PM 289 Views
LOL, wow. - 27/09/2010 01:18:25 PM 290 Views
I don't watch this show. - 27/09/2010 06:44:46 PM 264 Views
Hrm. - 27/09/2010 06:47:53 PM 320 Views

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