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What are your Top 5 TV shows of all time? (EDITed) - Edit 3

Before modification by imlad at 09/11/2011 06:52:48 PM

For me:

1) The Wire
2) TIE: Battlestar Galactica (RDM) and Babylon 5
3) ------
4) Spooks (aka MI-5)
5) Stargate Universe

Honorable Mentions: The Sopranos, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Game of Thrones, Weeds, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate: SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Misfits.

The Wire is simply the best show EVER on television. PERIOD.

I put BSG (RDM) and Bab5 together at number two, since I couldn't decide between them. BSG had many more single episodes that were incredible, but Bab5 had the better overall storyline.

Spooks 10 series/season run was outstanding, and to me unlike anything else on television. In some ways, I enjoyed it better than even The Wire, but as art, it just doesn't compare to David Simon's masterpiece.

Stargate Universe is what the entire SG franchise should have tried to be; a realistic (as far as SF can go) portrayal of the way humans would react to such a situation. I loved the other 2 SG shows, but the level of tongue in cheek camp kept them from making the cut.

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