Active Users:189 Time:07/05/2024 06:15:17 PM
Maybe. - Edit 1

Before modification by Aemon at 27/01/2012 03:29:04 AM

Maybe you've been watching the wrong sort of anime, lol? Either that, or I've gotten so acclimatized to it that I no longer notice.

I've always really wanted to like Anime, so I've tried most of the commonly recommended ones. I don't remember them all, but things like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, FMA, and most of the ones that air on American TV. There have been quite a few more over the years but I'm drawing a blank. Anyway, they're not all over the top in the same way, but every last one of them has elements that are completely foreign to me, that I just can't appreciate. Things that I don't understand.

Also, digimon was, is, and always will be awesome.

Yes, yes you are correct. Although I suspect my enjoyment of it is nothing but pure nostalgia.

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