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Re: I love foreign movies - Edit 1

Before modification by Tom at 27/09/2009 03:36:59 AM

Do you enjoy watching foreign movies? Animated or live-action?
Live action.

What are your all time favorites?

Of the non-Russian movies, I'd say the following (by language) -

Belle de Jour
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
La Reine Margot

Divorce Italian Style (EXCELLENT movie)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
La Dolce Vita
La Strada

Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)
Hable Con Ella (Talk to Her)
¡Átame! (Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!)

Cidade de Deus (City of God)

Goodbye Lenin!
Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others)
Der Untergang (Downfall)

Raise the Red Lantern
The Big Parade
The Black Cannon Incident
Crows and Sparrows
The Emperor and the Assassin
Shanghai Triad
Lust, Caution
The Yellow Earth
Red Sorghum

JAPANESE (I almost forgot)
The Audition
Battle Royale

And, of course, then we have Russian cinema:
Аэлита (Aelita)
Броненосец Потемкин (Battleship Potemkin)
Партийный Билет (The Party Card)
Александр Невский (Alexander Nevsky)
Трактористы (The Tractor Drivers)
Иван Грозный (Ivan the Terrible)
Кубанские Казаки (The Kuban Cossacks)
Летят Журавли (The Cranes are Flying)
Баллада о Солдате (The Ballad of a Soldier)
Дама с Собачкой (The Lady with the Dog)
Кавказская Пленница (The [Female] Prisoner of the Caucasus)
Андрей Рублев (Andrei Rublev)
Бриллиантовая Рука (The Diamond Arm)
Белое Солнце Пустыни (The White Sun of the Desert)
Солярис (Solaris)
Иван Василиевич Меняет Профессию (Ivan Vasilievich Changes Professions)
100 Дней После Детства (100 Days after Childhood)
Ирония Судьбы (An Irony of Fate)
Афоня (Afonya)
Служебный Роман (An Office Romance)
Белый Бим, Черное Ухо (White Bim, Black Ear)
Мимино (Mimino)
Сталкер (Stalker)
Москва Слезам не Верит (Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears)
Покровские Ворота (Pokrovsky Gates)
Жестокий Романс (A Cruel Romance)
Покаяние (Repentance)
Забытая Мелодия для Флейты (A Forgotten Melody for the Flute)
Собачье Сердце (The Heart of the Dog)
Завтра Была Война (Tomorrow There Was A War)
Асса (Assa)
Холодное Лето 53-го (The Cold Summer of 1953)
Особенности Национальной Охоты (Particulars of the Russian Hunt)
Брат 2 (The Brother 2)
Бригада (The Brigade)

Which cultures (nations) films do you find yourself most interested in?
I guess they're all European, except for the Chinese movies.

Do you prefer dubs over original language, in live-action and/or animated?
I HATE DUBBING. Of course, for the Russian movies I just watch them in Russian. With Chinese movies I need the subtitles from time to time depending on the conversation. With Spanish it really depends on rate of speech. Italian is sort of similar. Even though I can read French perfectly well, I definitely need subtitles when I watch French movies. It goes too fast. With German I also need subtitles because my German isn't that good.

How did you find yourself becoming interested in foreign films, (i.e. Audrey Tautou obsession, Asian horror obsession, general interest in foreign culture)?
It's not Hollywood - isn't that good enough?

What 'hyped' foreign film has let you down upon viewing it (if any)?
I loathed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero.

How do you feel about remakes, are there any that have been pulled off successfully?
I always tend to like the original better.

That's all .

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