Active Users:164 Time:17/06/2024 07:22:43 PM
O'kay - Edit 1

Before modification by Dan at 27/09/2009 04:58:21 AM

I suppose 'foreign', on a site as multi-national as this, can have many different meanings, generally I am referring to 'non-hollywood', or perhaps 'non-english', but answer how you wish.

Do you enjoy watching foreign movies? Animated or live-action?

Yes, quite a bit.

What are your all time favorites?

I'm terrible with these sorts of lists. They're always insufficient when generated extemporaneously, I'll end up adding new items to it as it stews in the back of my head for the next few days. That said, by nationality, off the top of my head:

Spain- films by Almodovar, Amenabar (though I haven't seen that Hypatia movie. Looks dreadful).

France- 400 Blows, Triplets of Belleville, Paris Je t'aime, L'auberge espagnole. Quite liked the Moliere movie, though it wasn't well received. Irreversible.

Norway - Show Me Love, Let The Right One In, Wild Strawberries.

Japan- mostly animated films, all the usuals you can imagine. And J-horror. And Kurosawa. I won't bother enumerating.

China - again, the usuals, won't bother enumerating.

Which cultures (nations) films do you find yourself most interested in?

Been quite interested in Northern European cinema as of late, if anyone would like to give me recommendations.

Do you prefer dubs over original language, in live-action and/or animated?

Subs for live-action, Universally. I'm not a purist when it comes to animated films, though, like many others. If the dub is competent, I often prefer it. Anti-intellectualism aside, text on the screen DOES detract from the experience of a film phenomenologically. If it can be got around, all the better.

How did you find yourself becoming interested in foreign films, (i.e. Audrey Tautou obsession, Asian horror obsession, general interest in foreign culture)?

Catching movies on television that grip me is one of the major ways. An extensive cable package has tremendous merit. Television is quite underrated in this respect.

Other than TV, recommendations from my Director friends, or from foreigners. Or just online etc.

What 'hyped' foreign film has let you down upon viewing it (if any)?

Godard's films. Ugh.

How do you feel about remakes, are there any that have been pulled off successfully?

Yeah, sure, as long as you're willing/able to separate the remake from the original product. If not, no.

That's all .


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