Active Users:270 Time:12/05/2024 02:22:32 PM
I'm glad I am not the only person who cares about that. - Edit 1

Before modification by nossy at 15/12/2013 08:45:29 AM

I have to admit the Smaug sequences were well-done with him coming across as just about as deadly as anything that crawls around on two wings can. I was still annoyed at leaving him with no hands. That's fine for bestial dragons, like in SoI&F, but sentient, especially the super-cunning type of sentient, and supremely powerful beings deserve hands, dammit! Even Leto II had hands. Not to mention just about every semi-official illustration I have ever seen features a four-legged dragon.

I don't care whether it's "anatomically correct" or not, as my pedantic husband is trying to claim - it's STUPID. Dragons need four legs.

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