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Re: Game of Thrones Season 4 finale *spoilers, obviously* Cannoli Send a noteboard - 24/06/2014 12:35:46 AM

No, not at all. They still meet more of the Children and Bran "plugs in" to a tree as well after which he understands what the faces on the trees are and what the old gods are. He also sees some of Ned Starks past as well as watches Theon and helps (if I remember correctly) Theon gain some semblance of sanity, enough to want to escape.
Yeah, but it's all in one chapter. From the episode where he makes it into the cave and talks to the Three-Eyed Crow, ending with the " will fly!" line, there is only one more Bran chapter, which is a general "time passes" episode - the book equivalent of a training montage. While his contribution to Theon's arc was a thing, it was more about Theon, with the reader left to infer from the obvious clues that it was Bran talking to him, rather than the hallucination or divine revelation Theon believed it to be. That didn't have much to do with Bran's arc, and the timing puts it way later anyhow.
It's been along time since I read the books but were those skeleton things in book? I don't remember them.
They were attacked by undead near the entrance to the cave, but I think they were more typical wights, rather than skeletons. The latter made a nice change of pace, like these are a more dangerous kind that you find deeper in the far North.

It will be interesting to see if they even continue the Lady Stoneheart plot in the show, she pretty much doesn't do anything in the books so far. If they cut it then it will be another one of those things that tells us about the future or lack thereof of a character in the books.

Honestly, at this point, I'm wondering what they're doing with Brienne, who isn't much more significant to this point, however much screen time she's had.

Again, it's been a really long time since I read the books, but I seem to remember the battle between Stannis' troops and Mance's army being a lot more drawn out and not so one-sided. I thought some of it took place at night or something too. shrugs
For what they did though it worked well. The battle was some really nice filming.

Actually, it was drawn out more on the TV show. In the book there was an attack, Mance ran off to deal with it, Jon poked his head out to see what was going on, and watched a bunch of Westeros knights and armsmen kicking wildling ass long enough to ascertain that it was Stannis, then just went back inside the tent to wait.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
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Game of Thrones Season 4 finale *spoilers, obviously* - 17/06/2014 09:24:13 AM 585 Views
Re: Game of Thrones Season 4 finale *spoilers, obviously* - 17/06/2014 06:50:35 PM 461 Views
Re: Game of Thrones Season 4 finale *spoilers, obviously* - 18/06/2014 02:05:14 AM 482 Views
Re: Game of Thrones Season 4 finale *spoilers, obviously* - 24/06/2014 12:35:46 AM 465 Views

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