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Has anyone seen Food, Inc? (possible spoilers in replies...) - Edit 1

Before modification by Avendesora at 08/11/2009 07:25:17 PM

I gotta say, it was a bit scary. And it only scratches the surface.

I have read a few books about food and industry in the past few years, but I learned a few new tidbits of information from this film. I knew that consumers were deceived about what they purchase as food, but I really didn't know how much. I suppose I still don't- the documentary was only 90 minutes long.

Has anyone else seen it? Do only freaks "buy into" what the movie's message is? Is the way our food is grown, processed, marketed and sold, broken in the U.S.? What about other countries?

Hm, I guess this would officially be a spoiler discussion thread if it's just recently come out on DVD.

If you've seen it, I'd love to discuss what you thought of the film.


A freak who bought into the message of this documentary.

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