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Interesting Comet Sedai Send a noteboard - 05/03/2010 02:18:54 PM
It was trying to use his memories of Yemi to guilt him into working for MIB's agenda. Eko manned up and said he had nothing to be sorry for, which may be true, since we don't really see him actually doing anything bad aside from some relatively morally-nuetral smuggling. The only violence we see him commit as an adult is more or less justified.
But Eko's declaration that he had nothing to be sorry for (and certainly nothing for which he had to answer to a smoke monster on a mysterious island) meant he was a potential problem for the monster. At the least, he would not be a useful tool, and thus could be discarded.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but perhaps you're right. Probably my vision of who/what the smoke monster was at the time I saw that episode has clouded my memory of it. But Eko's whole story line seemed off, with his church-building, button-pressing, beard-cutting ways. Were his last words (according to Locke) really "You're next?" I read somewhere that if you listen very closely he really said, "I met the devil" or "I saw the devil."

Either way, what was it the smoke monster wanted him to do that he wasn't already doing? He followed his brother's ghostly visions to find the Pearl station, he pressed the button, even when Locke gave up on it...despite both of those actions being built on blind faith, and yet he doesn't 'confess'? Maybe it had to do with the actor getting fired and the writers throwing up their hands.
The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo.
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Re-watching Lost - 04/03/2010 05:57:53 PM 459 Views
Oh my, there is so much strangeness in re-watching - 05/03/2010 01:55:27 AM 293 Views
I thought it killed Eko because he refused to be manipulated. - 05/03/2010 12:35:16 PM 223 Views
Interesting - 05/03/2010 02:18:54 PM 304 Views
Ooh - 05/03/2010 04:21:35 PM 293 Views
Well... (S6 spoilers) - 05/03/2010 04:42:59 PM 205 Views
Re: Ooh - 06/03/2010 06:35:21 PM 229 Views

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