Active Users:131 Time:18/06/2024 04:31:51 PM
Actually, I thought that the Germans came out rather well. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 08/03/2010 12:58:31 AM
although some of the Germans in the movie seemed to be decent people, we were STILL supposed to cheer upon seeing them get brutally slaughtered/tortured.

Germans need some positive portrayals in movies instead of always being Nazis. Hollywood seems to have gotten over the "evil Soviet" issue once the Cold War ended, but it is STILL obsessed with the "Evil Nazis." I'm sooo tired of it. It's like making a bunch of movies where the black characters are always criminals and drug dealers and then saying "Oh, people shouldn't object! It's not like we're demonizing ALL black people. Just the criminal ones!" But you'd be hard-pressed to find a movie that showed black people as anything but scumbags.

Enough, Hollywood. Find something else to be obsessed with.
Especially considering that while a small number of them were fighting the Anglophonic world, much more of them were doing our dirty work and fighting the USSR. I'm not taking my cues from an aging, fat, alcoholic, racist thrill-seeker and glory-hound, who did more to spread communism in Europe than anyone not directly in service to the USSR. Sorry Winston, but you've got it backwards - if the Devil invadaded the Soviet Union, I'd consider siding with Satan.

As far as the movie goes, after Death-Proof, I have abandoned any expectation of Tarantino having any ability to tell a coherent story, but I came out of IB wondering if the intent was to glorify the Germans. Brad Pitt came off as an ignoramus and a hick, and the German characters had a total monopoly on competence. The most feared member of the basterds was the German they broke out. The German sergeant who got his head bashed in demonstrated more courage than any Allied character, at all. The closest thing any of THEM demonstrated to that virtue was a reckless bloodlust. In the restaurant party, the German officer who busted them was plainly a few grades ahead of the team in the intelligence department, and had practically exposed them even before the Brit-twit (redundant? ) made his fatal slip-up. In the aftermath, the German double agent woman was the only member of the group who demonstrated the slightest sign of competence, and the whole operation would have failed abjectly if the German officer in charge of busting them up was not playing guardian angel. In retrospect, Brad Pitt's carving of the swatstika at the end makes HIM the unsympathetic character, as he was just blindly and mindlessly fighting for his country and following orders like a clockwork soldier. The German officer actually made a conscious choice, that, had he simply refrained from helping the basterds would have been completely safe, and taken one single step against them, been a German national hero as big as the sniper/movie-star.

Germans were the only people in the movie who did not have their heads totally up their asses.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Why Avatar will win the Best Picture award - 06/03/2010 06:29:08 PM 661 Views
Do the judges see the movie in IMAX 3-D? Or just on a normal screen? - 06/03/2010 07:00:17 PM 269 Views
Good question. *NM* - 06/03/2010 10:26:40 PM 117 Views
Apparently they most likely saw on a normal screen. - 08/03/2010 10:42:21 PM 272 Views
Wait. Maybe you should explain once again what this post is trying to say? - 06/03/2010 08:10:55 PM 315 Views
Just what I was thinking *NM* - 06/03/2010 10:27:10 PM 101 Views
There is a longstanding (and apparently increasing of late) occurrence of inferior movies winning. - 06/03/2010 10:33:15 PM 388 Views
Ordinary People is a brilliant film. - 06/03/2010 11:18:09 PM 272 Views
Yeah, I'm not sure what's with that either... - 07/03/2010 12:36:29 AM 263 Views
ROTK was infinitely superior to Seabiscuit and MR - 07/03/2010 12:55:13 AM 259 Views
Precisely - 07/03/2010 01:06:48 AM 273 Views
When clearly - 07/03/2010 01:08:17 AM 252 Views
Which, while I entirely disagree, proves my point *NM* - 07/03/2010 01:11:24 AM 106 Views
I haven't seen Seabiscuit or MR. - 07/03/2010 10:10:57 AM 247 Views
Mystic River is very good. Depressing, but good. - 07/03/2010 01:18:35 PM 264 Views
"ordinary peepholes"? - 08/03/2010 12:18:52 AM 334 Views
Seabiscuit was about a racehorse. - 07/03/2010 06:18:53 AM 235 Views
Yes, that was what I said. *NM* - 07/03/2010 09:11:19 AM 101 Views
My god! - 06/03/2010 08:57:43 PM 337 Views
With all due respect, I love Annie Hall just as much as Star Wars. *NM* - 06/03/2010 11:13:02 PM 115 Views
As addition to my statement underneath Wibble's... - 07/03/2010 01:10:49 AM 259 Views
I'm fully expecting Hurt Locker to win because it bored me to tears. *NM* - 07/03/2010 04:02:12 AM 95 Views
Holy crap are you serious? - 07/03/2010 11:24:45 AM 277 Views
I am. - 07/03/2010 06:27:19 PM 251 Views
As long as Inglorious BasTURDS doesn't win, I'll be happy *NM* - 07/03/2010 09:17:09 PM 105 Views
Oh yeah awful to see Nazis get their asses kicked *NM* - 07/03/2010 09:23:43 PM 118 Views
I'm tired of Hollywood's constant demonzation of Germans - 07/03/2010 09:42:04 PM 300 Views
Germans aren't demonized in the film. I wouldn't like that either. - 07/03/2010 09:56:42 PM 269 Views
completely disagree - 08/03/2010 12:24:27 AM 383 Views
Actually, I thought that the Germans came out rather well. - 08/03/2010 12:58:31 AM 348 Views
ummm, Hollywoods has found someone, they are called Muslims...... *NM* - 08/03/2010 01:54:09 AM 91 Views
Have you actually seen anything from Hollywood? - 10/03/2010 03:29:43 PM 252 Views

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