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Re: Great ideas, but some points don't seem quite right. LoialT Send a noteboard - 02/06/2010 02:43:25 PM
There's a bit of confusion on Ages. We don't know how they square with evolution, for one thing.

They don't, really. RJ's comments on this was to remember this is only fiction, and he's not tried to make everything fit reality. In his cosmology, there's no big bang at the beginning and the sun won't ever die.

We have no idea at which point in evolution RJ has decided that everything before that is "false" and has become a forgotten previous Age.

RJ made a point of stating that some Ages have featured the Last Battle, but fought without any use of the Power at all (which might raise many DO questions, but that's a bigtime tangent)...

Maybe this happens, but RJ actually never said that. He said there were Ages without any channelling - like our own - he never said humanity had to fight Shai'tan in those Ages. As far as we know (and character like Fel believe), this happens at the end of the second Age and mark the whole Third Age.

RJ's said there was nothing too special about this Third Age, so forcibly there's always channelling in those two Ages.

We don't really know that "our" Age (one with America and Moscow) was the Age that directly preceded the AoL.

According to Thom Merrillin, yes Mosk and Merk were from the Age before the AOL. He must know, because these were old stories about the past Age known in the AOL (perhaps much less fanciful)and that survived the Breaking. If we go by Thom, very few things about Ages before the AOL have survived, because almost all that was known in the AOL disappeared with the Breaking. We are most likely Balthamel's "primitive civilizations" in RJ's eyes.

In support of this idea is my next point: by the time the AoL came around, there was no memory or even concept of War, tools as weapons, etc.

That isn't quite true. First of all, we don't know it's "by the time the AOL came around", and it's extremely doubftul it's the case. The evidence is that channelling eventually lead to an utopian civilization that rejected war, even stopped studying how to wage it. With the WOS, they had to look at the past to reinvent it. For how many centuries/millenia had the state of things at the end of the Age, right before the Bore, has endured? We don't know, no more than we know how long it took humanity to get from the discovery of channelling to the utopia of the end of the Age. Nothing says the whole Age has been peaceful.

IIRC, they always end with a cataclysm, like the Breaking or "The Last Battle."

You remember it wrong, because there's zero information from RJ or the series about how the other Ages end, except for the AOL of course. We know the "second Age" began with the discovery of channelling, and beyond that we have only a vague hint a nuclear conflict might have destroyed civilization right before (which would be an incentive to try to build an Utopian world).

I always assumed that channeling is something intrinsic to people that they either might or might not discover in any given Age/Cycle of Ages.

No, like wolfbrothers, Min's talent etc., it depends strictly on the "rules" for an Age. RJ said in his design there are Ages that never know channelling, such as our own.

The only evidence in favor for the Horn is its Old Tongue inscription and magical powers; yet the Horn's supposed to be from an earlier Age altogether.

Some think the fact RJ spoke as if non-humans made the Horn may be a clue it's non-humans we know about.

The inscription is irrelevant. It's in the Old Tongue because this phrase was inscribed on it during the AOL only, not by the makers of the Horn (Maria Simmons confirmed this). As we already know in that Age the Horn was believed to be just an artefact associated to old legends but with no actual magical power, and that when foretellings about the Horn appeared it had alreary been lost during the war, and finally retrieved only after the Sealing, then we can pretty much guess Deirdre's group were the ones who put the inscription on the Horn before placing it at the "Eye". This reveals nothing about its makers, but notice the Horn seems to fold a point where TAR and the RL become one somehow - yet another "portal" between dimensions, like the PS, like Ghenjei.

The Portal Stones allow travel between Worlds and Time, but that's the only link to the 'Finn

What attracted many's attention is the fact the Finn symbols (to enter Ghenjei, and on their portals/doorways) is very similar to the style of the inscriptions on the Portal Stones. The shape of the PS is also very similar to the ToG's. This may or may not be a coincidence.

So considering that Thom at least believes our age to be the First Age, when do you think that the Portal Stones were built? Are we in the middle of the Age or towards the end? Regardless, couldn't it be that "primitive civilizations" may more refer to the post atomic worlds that marked the beginning of the 2nd Age? Again, it seems probable to me that in the chaos a more advanced race were the ones to build the portal stones, which as you say do have definite similarities to Ghenjei and other Finn markings. It makes sense that the reason human channelers in the AoL didn't know much about the Portal Stones is because humans didn't build them, and the most likely candidates by far are the Finns.

But if this is so, and the Finns were once excitedly building portals between worlds, if-worlds, TAR (Horn of Valere), then why have they appeared to stop building and using this system? Also, if they built portals to if-worlds then I imagine that with so many "lines of if" running back into the Finn realm (or maybe just one of them) that there would be tremendously problematic time-space paradoxes. It could also explain the enormous store of goods that the Eelfinn have at their disposal. If they can gather not only from "real" worlds, but inhabited "if-worlds" then they could be quite rich indeed.

Finally, what role do you think the Ogier and stedding played in the Portal Stones history and the end of the first age? Do you buy the idea that the ability to channel could be contingent on the Portal Stones paradoxes? That drilling a series of portals ACROSS worlds allows access to the Creator's power just as drilling a portal OUTSIDE the pattern allows access to the Dark One's power?
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The Great Pattern since the end of the First Age and Keys to the Last Battle - 01/06/2010 08:59:26 PM 703 Views
Cool story bro - 01/06/2010 09:51:34 PM 430 Views
Great ideas, but some points don't seem quite right. - 01/06/2010 10:10:22 PM 436 Views
Re: Great ideas, but some points don't seem quite right. - 01/06/2010 11:06:57 PM 366 Views
Re: Great ideas, but some points don't seem quite right. - 02/06/2010 08:05:09 AM 437 Views
Re: Great ideas, but some points don't seem quite right. - 02/06/2010 02:43:25 PM 307 Views
Two quick points - 02/06/2010 02:54:45 PM 342 Views
Re: Two quick points - 02/06/2010 03:24:31 PM 324 Views
Very interesting. - 02/06/2010 03:28:53 AM 300 Views

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