Active Users:210 Time:20/09/2024 10:45:33 PM
I think the 8 was just a number, but it's easy to get past 8... The Angry Druid Send a noteboard - 16/09/2010 01:16:29 AM
1. Mat
2. Perrin
3. Egwene
4. Rand
5. Elayne
6. Tuon
7. Galad
8. Lan

All of these should be fairly distince at the beginning, and none are basically with or under another group.

For that matter, the following would also pass muster:

9. Loial
10. Aviendha (at Rhuidean, or with Rand later)
11+. Any of the bad guys (Moridin, the Forsaken, Fain, Slayer, Taim, or any of the Blacks).

Not to mention:

12. Moiraine, alone at first, but with Mat/Rand.
13. Cadsuane (with Rand)
14. Nynaeve (with Rand)
15. Faile (with Perrin)
16. Thom (with Mat)
17. Min (with Rand)
18. Birgitte (with Elayne)
19. Gawyn, Byrne, Siuan (with Egwene)
20. Any other WT sister (Pevara, Seaine, a Hunter, a Sitter, Ajah head, Silviana, Leane, Romanda, Lelaine, etc).
21. Any sister at the BT (Pevara, Teslyn, Gabrelle, Myrelle, Theodrin)
22. Any Windfinder/Kinswoman with Elayne
23. Any Aiel perspection (Rhuarc, Amys, Sorilea)
24. Any vasal of Rand's (Berelain, Dobraine, Ituralde, Bashere)
25. Any of the Borderlanders (Tenobia, Ethenielle, Algemar)
26. Anyone in Perrin's group (Tam, Alliandre, Morgase, Elyas)
27. Anyone else in Mat's group (Noal)
28. Another Seanchan perspective (Tylee, Suroth, Elaida)
29. Another everyman perspective (Renald Fanwar)

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New interview with Sanderson - 14/09/2010 12:50:13 AM 1232 Views
8 Narratives... - 14/09/2010 04:26:21 AM 610 Views
Re: 8 Narratives... - 14/09/2010 04:30:54 AM 449 Views
Aviendha? - 14/09/2010 04:38:20 AM 468 Views
Do we even know its 8 for sure? I mean, he could just be illustrating a point. - 14/09/2010 04:52:28 AM 407 Views
I read the eight as hyperbole as well, but who can say. - 14/09/2010 11:53:51 AM 427 Views
If there are 8 - 14/09/2010 05:29:17 AM 464 Views
Add Gawyn and probably Siuan to Egwene *NM* - 14/09/2010 09:55:47 AM 170 Views
Exactly. He mentioned narratives, not POVs - 14/09/2010 10:13:34 PM 372 Views
How many times do we have to do this, Deadsy? Bela gets a PoV in this book! - 15/09/2010 04:19:57 AM 381 Views
lol *NM* - 15/09/2010 06:34:37 AM 167 Views
Re: 8 Narratives... - 15/09/2010 04:32:18 AM 335 Views
I think the 8 was just a number, but it's easy to get past 8... - 16/09/2010 01:16:29 AM 376 Views
Thanks Gher *NM* - 14/09/2010 10:07:50 AM 176 Views

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