Active Users:174 Time:02/06/2024 08:04:28 AM
Some won't die at all. But here's my guesses: - Edit 1

Before modification by The Angry Druid at 09/10/2010 04:52:01 AM

1. Moiridin. Won't die. Body swap with Rand. Alivia will help Rand die by letting Fain think it is still Rand. After the swap goes down, Fain will kill Rand, but really kill Moridin.

2. Mesaana. Egwene. I think she'll be captured (outed) and killed in ToM when Rand is in the Tower with Eggy.

3. Graendal. I think she'll die trying to hurt someone close to Rand. Nynaeve, Min, or Elayne. I have a feeling it will be Elayne (because she's in Caemlyn and thus more exposed), and Birgitte will somehow get her. In ToM.

4. Taim. Gets killed in the big BT showdown. Precipitated by a Egwene/Rand conversation in ToM. I think Logain will do the deed. In ToM.

5. Demandred. Won't happen until aMoL. Big battle. It will be Rand (either as himself, or in Moridin's body).

6. Lanfear/Cyndane. I think she may survive, or be turned to the light. Especially if the bodyswap is right, then Rand would hold hers, and he'll spare her if she works for him. Plus, if she finds out everlasting life is all BS, and the DO is really a nihilist....

7. Moghedien. Ditto here. Same scenario. In fact, if the body swap plays out, both the Spider and Cyndane would be excellent assassins for Rand/Moridin. Element of surprise + awesome in T'A'R. I could see one of them doing for one of the others easily.

8. Fain. I'm tempted to say Alivia and company do for him right after he does in Rand/Moridin. But I think they'll just let him go try to kill the DO, and he'll get done in by Shadar Haran somehow. But I think there would be some poetic justice if it was Perrin. Paybacks. He could find out soon if he meets up with Dain when he rescues Galad.

9. Slayer. Perrin. Been long overdue. Or maybe Lan?

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