Active Users:175 Time:02/06/2024 01:19:24 PM
Just don't slow it down TOO much. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 14/10/2010 03:57:53 PM

Sanderson posted a blog today with all of his books, what's he's doing and their estimated time tables. It look like A memory of light will be pushed back to March 2012 so he can do another re-read of the series, he said he has started to forget things and doesn't want that to affect his writing of the last book. Personally I'm happy with this as I think he's doing and excellent job based of TGS and I would rather him take his time (well, within a limit) and put of an amazing last book then burn himself out and put out a crappy book really fast.

I hadn't realized just HOW long the delay between KoD and TGS was until Deadsy reminded me. That wasn't good for the fanbase; if TGS had been announced a few months (let alone YEARS) earlier wotmania might still exist (I honestly doubt it, but who's to say what an influx of newbs in early '07 might've accomplished?)
So I don't want him to exhaust himself, naturally, or pump out a rushed and shoddy finale, but I also wouldn't enjoy an ever receding release date that returns us to the all too familiar limbo from which we've recently emerged.

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